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July 26, 2024
The Dutton federal Coalition's announcement to move Australia to nuclear energy has immediately defaulted to a political rather than policy debate with an inevitable pile on by the government, various interests and experts.
Nation Building - Scott Prasser - 3 comments
Almost a century after its publication,
Health - Steven Schwartz
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Australian bushfires on Turkey’s answer to Al Jazeera

Ambit Gambit Last night I was interviewed by TRT – Turkey’s answer to Al Jazeera – on a panel moderated by Adnan Azwaz on the Australian fires. My fellow panellists were Professor Mark Howden and Tony Kevin. Azwaz did a good job, and his courteous approach to moderation could teach Tony Jones a thing or two, although he […]

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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Growing public confidence in nuclear power and the demands of AI suggest that a new revolutionary energy expansion is imminent.
Nation Building - Wade Allison - 3 comments
With the best of intentions, President Biden allowed his unwavering commitment to Israel’s security to not only prolong the tragically horrific war in Gaza and severely taint America’s international moral standing.
International - Alon Ben-Meir - 3 comments

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Neither ‘renewables’ nor nuclear power can now save our electricity grid. Power blackouts and further energy price rises await the ‘lucky country’.
Nation Building - Brendan O'Reilly - 5 comments
The Court also found that Israeli authorities had failed to
International - Binoy Kampmark - 6 comments
The elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss is that crude oil is the foundation of our materialistic society as it is the basis of all products and fuels demanded by the 8 billion on this planet.
Environment - Ronald Stein and Tom DeWeese - 2 comments

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Advocates of fixed-terms, especially from the business community, argue leaving the calling of elections to the government of the day creates an atmosphere of uncertainty that is disruptive to business, investment and the economy.
Political Philosophy - Scott Prasser - 3 comments
Shutting the coal-fired power stations prematurely is a recipe for ongoing blackouts and very much higher costs to consumers, and in the longer term a reduction in living standards.
Environment - Charles Hemmings - 10 comments
Just imagine what could happen if there was an actual cyber attack by such a powerful player as China, Russia, North Korea or an Evil Axis of all three.
Science & Technology - John Mikkelsen - 10 comments

Monday, July 22, 2024

In a world increasingly obsessed with the new and the now, it is crucial to remember that our present is built on the foundations of the past.
Political Philosophy - Steven Schwartz - 7 comments
Wind and solar energy have a fatal flaw – intermittency.
Environment - Viv Forbes - 4 comments

Friday, July 19, 2024

Batteries are the weakest link in the 100% renewables supply chain. Their capacity to store dispatchable power is puny.
Environment - Geoff Carmody - 24 comments
Resolution 2735 is just as offensive since it too fails to recognise the rights vested in the Jewish people by the League of Nations and the United Nations.
International - David Singer - 5 comments

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Fatima Payman and Muslim Voice are the destructive endpoint of where we could always have expected multiculturalism to go.
Political Philosophy - Graham Young - 40 comments
AI technology is not the holy grail of company valuations, being simply too costly in terms of building critical products such as GPU chips and unable, so far, to 'replicate humans' most valuable capabilities'.
Science & Technology - Binoy Kampmark

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

In the case of Biden, if he is cognitively unfit to rule the US, repeatedly manifested in his inability to form a single coherent idea, let alone a comprehensive foreign or domestic policy, how has he politically survived to date?
International - Mamtimin Ala - 5 comments
I have only one quibble about Dr Goldstein’s book. I detect a subtle brag in all his talk about anal health and beauty.
Humour & Satire - Alek Gibbo - 1 comment

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Here we go, folk. The new attack on men has been launched. Coercive control is now a criminal offence in NSW, punishable by seven years in prison.
Law & Liberties - Bettina Arndt - 6 comments
Before he was shot at a campaign rally, the former US President faced a barrage of threats from the Left.
International - Murray Hunter - 12 comments

Monday, July 15, 2024

What if the attempt had succeeded? How would it have reshaped the political landscape, and what lessons must we learn from this close call?
International - Vince Hooper - 17 comments
Far from this being incredible, such acts of violence speckle and blood US politics. Candidates have been previously gunned down in cold blood.
International - Binoy Kampmark - 3 comments
No matter how promising his younger opponents are, he said, they would just have to wait for putting their hands on the Wimbledon trophy until after he retired.
Sport - Andris Heks - 1 comment

Friday, July 12, 2024

With the best intentions, Pezeshkian may not be able to deliver on all his foreign and domestic agenda; nevertheless, it serves the US’ and Israel’s interests to give him every opportunity to succeed.
International - Alon Ben-Meir - 3 comments
Redrawing the international border between Israel and Jordan could achieve these outcomes without anyone - Jew or Arab – having to leave his current home.
International - David Singer - 3 comments

Thursday, July 11, 2024

We are treated on an almost continuous basis to justifiable complaints from the public education lobby about the underfunding of government schools. Yet, no one in that lobby even put a funding model to the Gonski panel.
Education - Chris Curtis - 2 comments
Kaufmann’s Taboo argues that ‘woke’ or ‘progressive extremism’ is no joke, but a new and destructive cultural schism between elite governance and ordinary voters.
Political Philosophy - Stephen Saunders - 11 comments

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

As the curtain falls on this act, it's clear that the party's own buffoonery and internal squabbles over Brexit have brought the nation to the edge of chaos.
International - Vince Hooper - 4 comments
There are two troublesome Green Energy Unions – the Solar Workers down tools every night and cloudy day, and the Turbine Crews stop work if winds are too weak or too strong.
Environment - Viv Forbes - 6 comments

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Either seasonal reliability is sacrificed, or customer costs soar even more. Or both.
Environment - Geoff Carmody - 13 comments
Presidential debate descended into virtual silence when President Trump surprisingly blew the opportunity to clearly differentiate his policy from President Biden's long-standing policy supporting the creation of an independent Palestine.
International - David Singer - 13 comments

Monday, July 8, 2024

Australia's official power generation statistics make it obvious that we have no chance of meeting the clean energy needs of an all-electric fossil-fuel-free modern industrialised economy.
Environment - Tom Biegler - 15 comments
It was clear that most voters were less keen on Sir Keir Starmer's dour Labour team, supposedly reformed and devoid of dangerous daring, as they were of voting against the Tories.
International - Binoy Kampmark - 3 comments

Friday, July 5, 2024

Why are dementia and like conditions such a big issue? Dementia is now the greatest burden of disease in the over-65s, the most significant cause of death in women and the second leading cause of death for all Australians.
Law & Liberties - David Swanton - 39 comments
The stubborn determination to keep the
International - Angelica Oung - 11 comments

Thursday, July 4, 2024

The reason why we are struggling to build new homes is because the states have loaded their tax systems onto the housing sector.
Economics - Graham Young - 8 comments
Deep in the blackhole that is the United (sic) Kingdom immense forces are gathering to dislocate.
Humour & Satire - Vince Hooper - 2 comments
This solution like those of Obama's predecessors - Presidents Carter, Reagan, Bush and Clinton – had all remained unfulfilled when their time to vacate the White House arrived.
International - David Singer - 1 comment

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Why so many prized jobs are now in female hands.
Society - Bettina Arndt - 6 comments
Hamas' ferocious attack and the disastrous war that followed is the culmination of a series of tragic mistakes that Netanyahu had committed over the years.
International - Alon Ben-Meir - 3 comments
The media response to the release of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange from his scandalous captivity provides a fascinating insight into a ghastly, craven and sycophantic tendency all too common among the plodding hacks.
Media - Binoy Kampmark - 1 comment

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The MMRs offer a combination of power for propulsion and shore powering, which for very remote nations is highly attractive. The highest national cost component of remote nations even with some hydro and renewables, is imported diesel.
Science & Technology - Stuart Ballantyne - 3 comments
The more fruitful option is to concentrate one's efforts on prodding the present system to do a far better job of decoupling our increasing economic activity from undesirable environmental impacts.
Environment - David McMullen - 6 comments

Monday, July 1, 2024

To this end, I listed where these two men-former President Trump and President Biden-stand today and what can be expected of each if he is elected.
International - Alon Ben-Meir - 5 comments
At stages, this left Trump, his predatory instinct aroused by a limping animal, able to land a stinging jab or two. 'I don't know if he knows what he said either.'
International - Binoy Kampmark - 3 comments

Friday, June 28, 2024

Distribution of income and effectiveness of Australia's industrial system are not on political or industry agendas.
Economics - Ben Rees - 3 comments
Drawing parallels from the Uyghur genocide, it is evident that the extreme form of the current anti-racism movement in the US is heading down a dangerous path, mirroring the tragic experiences of Uyghurs.
International - Mamtimin Ala - 8 comments
Although solar and wind are cheap to operate, per se, their total costs are not cheap and they are not fit for purpose alone. World experience to date confirms this.
Environment - Charles Hemmings - 45 comments


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