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Photo of Scott Prasser

Scott Prasser

Dr Scott Prasser has worked on senior policy and research roles in federal and state governments. His recent publications include:Royal Commissions and Public Inquiries in Australia (2021); The Whitlam Era with David Clune (2022), the edited New directions in royal commission and public inquiries: Do we need them? and The Art of Opposition (2024), reviewing oppositions across Australia and internationally.

Beware of predictions about Australian elections from the UK's Economist magazine
Media - 22/01/2025 - 3 comments
Shutting down debate on abortion is a concern for us all
Political Philosophy - 15/01/2025 - 10 comments
How to deliver a 'world class' public service
Political Philosophy - 18/11/2024 - 6 comments
Fixing the Queensland Public Service or putting in a new political ‘fix’?
Domestic Politics - 4/11/2024 - 12 comments
Dutton may be winning in the polls. But he has a major problem to overcome
Domestic Politics - 28/10/2024 - 3 comments
Queensland’s Truth Telling Commission breaches Westminster and election conventions
Law & Liberties - 25/10/2024 - 10 comments
Albanese government rejects Senate Report on pandemic royal commission
Law & Liberties - 27/09/2024 - 4 comments
Coalition's royal commission bid into anti-Semitism a stunt
Law & Liberties - 9/09/2024 - 10 comments
Going nuclear – not a politically failsafe strategy
Nation Building - 26/07/2024 - 12 comments
Recent UK and French elections highlight flaws of fixed-term Parliaments
Political Philosophy - 23/07/2024 - 3 comments
Queensland's LNP is no opposition, let alone alternative government
Domestic Politics - 10/06/2024 - 4 comments
Labor's COVID-19 response inquiry lacks punch and transparency
Law & Liberties - 1/05/2024 - 1 comment
School funding caught in old shemozzle, not driven by evidence
Education - 24/04/2024 - 8 comments
NSW school funding cuts highlights state underspending on public schools
Education - 17/04/2024 - 5 comments
Public school underspending - why blame the Commonwealth?
Education - 21/02/2024 - 4 comments
There is no logic in longer terms for federal government
Political Philosophy - 7/02/2024 - 12 comments
Queensland’s Olympic review misses the target
Sport - 25/01/2024 - 5 comments
Expert report on regional and remote schools ignored
Education - 28/11/2023 - 8 comments
The 1983 Queensland Coalition split: a tale of opportunism, hubris and miscalculation
Domestic Politics - 25/10/2023 - 5 comments
Lessons from the failed ‘Yes’ referendum campaign
International - 16/10/2023 - 5 comments
Labor ‘quarantines’ states from Covid accountability
Law & Liberties - 25/09/2023 - 5 comments
The sudden removal of children’s human rights proves – yet again – why Queensland needs an upper house
Political Philosophy - 5/09/2023 - 8 comments
Politicisation: the attack on merit and our way of life
Political Philosophy - 31/08/2023 - 4 comments
Why did Labor shoot down Ralph Babet's COVID inquiry bill?
Health - 22/08/2023 - 4 comments
Mike Ahern – premier of Queensland but not a leader
Domestic Politics - 15/08/2023 - 6 comments
The Walter Sofronoff inquiry tells us it's time for real reform
Law & Liberties - 14/08/2023 - 5 comments
Where is the government's promised royal commission into the COVID pandemic?
Law & Liberties - 30/06/2023 - 10 comments
Public service needs greater transparency around secretary appointments
Political Philosophy - 23/06/2023 - 30 comments
ACT government will resist royal commission calls
Law & Liberties - 23/05/2023 - 3 comments
Katy Gallagher’s Senate committee recommended a COVID royal commission a year ago
Law & Liberties - 10/05/2023 - 2 comments
Swede success
Health - 4/05/2023 - 9 comments
Party members breaking ranks might break the Liberals
Domestic Politics - 24/04/2023 - 22 comments
The Liberal Party is in utter disarray and a civil war is needed
Domestic Politics - 3/04/2023 - 22 comments
Will Anthony Albanese’s government be up for reform to address issues found in Robodebt royal commission
Domestic Politics - 15/03/2023 - 10 comments
Brisbane 2032 - Olympic-sized white elephants
Nation Building - 1/03/2023 - 8 comments
Western Australia pandemic inquiry – but where’s Australia’s?
Law & Liberties - 27/02/2023 - 5 comments
Is New Zealand’s royal commission into the pandemic response best practice?
Law & Liberties - 13/12/2022 - 1 comment
Review into Morrison’s pandemic actions – a storm in a saucer, not even a teacup
Domestic Politics - 30/11/2022 - 26 comments
Cutting spending – there must be a better way
Economics - 2/11/2022 - 11 comments
National, state responses must be included in any COVID-19 pandemic royal commission
Domestic Politics - 31/08/2022 - 3 comments
The Scott Morrison ministerial appointment saga: A case of political theatrics
Domestic Politics - 22/08/2022 - 17 comments
Blurred lines: appointing sitting judges to commissions of inquiry
Law & Liberties - 15/08/2022 - 6 comments
Can Australia afford to be so generous with aid to Ukraine?
International - 19/07/2022 - 32 comments
The cult of the leader is not the answer to revive political parties
Domestic Politics - 8/06/2022 - 3 comments
Wither the Liberals, the Nationals and the Coalition
Domestic Politics - 23/05/2022 - 21 comments
Bunnings politics and the 2022 Federal Election
Domestic Politics - 19/05/2022 - 7 comments
A 'privatised' review of the COVID pandemic is not the answer
Health - 11/04/2022 - 8 comments
Barnaby’s mistake but Nationals’ endgame
Domestic Politics - 9/02/2022 - 8 comments
We are all socialists now, but weren’t we always?
Political Philosophy - 3/02/2022 - 5 comments
Brits beat us to an independent pandemic inquiry
Health - 12/01/2022 - 3 comments
Don’t mention Court
Sport - 6/01/2022 - 4 comments
Senate committee recommends a non-existent body
Law & Liberties - 20/12/2021 - 2 comments
Coalition’s latest failure to ‘fix’ the ABC
Media - 30/11/2021 - 27 comments
Westminster confusion in South Australia
Political Philosophy - 24/11/2021 - 6 comments
Climate retreat may be one too many for the Nationals
Domestic Politics - 9/11/2021 - 9 comments
A royal commission into coronavirus? Be careful what you wish for
Health - 1/10/2021 - 3 comments
Academics get Andrew Peacock wrong
Domestic Politics - 31/05/2021 - 7 comments
The Victorian hotel quarantine scandal inquiry: more tricks and delays
Law & Liberties - 14/08/2020 - 8 comments
The new national school evidence institute – lost in review
Education - 5/12/2019 - 2 comments
Audit commissions - a review
Domestic Politics - 24/01/2014 - 5 comments
Labor won't learn by playing blame game
Domestic Politics - 7/10/2013 - 5 comments
How the Palmer United Party came out barking
Domestic Politics - 10/09/2013
Audits point to the way ahead
Economics - 29/08/2013 - 2 comments
Gonski is just bazaar
Education - 1/08/2013 - 20 comments
Gonski - same old story, but don't tell the voters
Education - 9/07/2013 - 7 comments
To Gonski or not to Gonski...?
Education - 13/06/2013 - 14 comments
Never mind the leadership, what about the Opposition?
Domestic Politics - 26/03/2013 - 30 comments
NAPLAN: To test or not to test? That is not the question
Education - 7/02/2013 - 8 comments
Turnaround Tony
Domestic Politics - 12/11/2012 - 23 comments
Euthanasia: tackling a 'wicked' policy problem
Law & Liberties - 7/08/2012 - 11 comments
Beyond propaganda – more school funding or school funds better spent?
Education - 5/07/2012 - 7 comments
How think tanks are failing us
Education - 9/02/2012 - 13 comments
Premier could care a bit more
Domestic Politics - 7/02/2012 - 3 comments
All eyes on Bligh-Newman showdown
Domestic Politics - 10/01/2012 - 4 comments
Gonski Review looks good but fails on four counts
Education - 13/10/2011 - 3 comments
Equity in schools – let's not forget the quality
Education - 6/05/2011 - 20 comments
Flotation device for premier's sinking party
Domestic Politics - 20/01/2011 - 9 comments
Disasters bring opportunities and hard choices
Domestic Politics - 17/01/2011
Review of Norman Abjorensen, John Howard and the Conservative Tradition
Political Philosophy - 7/01/2011 - 6 comments
It's our system that is stuffed
Domestic Politics - 27/08/2010 - 8 comments
Our risk-averse society
Society - 12/08/2010 - 3 comments
Few familiar with Rudd are shocked by his exit
Domestic Politics - 28/06/2010 - 17 comments
Amateur hour in non-Labor parties
Domestic Politics - 8/04/2010 - 12 comments
The Intergenerational Report - repackaged policy
Domestic Politics - 10/02/2010 - 3 comments
It's all talkfest and little action in the Summit State
Domestic Politics - 10/12/2009 - 1 comment
Peter Costello's to blame for the leadership crisis tearing the party apart
Domestic Politics - 3/12/2009 - 18 comments
The Bligh budget blowout
Domestic Politics - 12/11/2009 - 18 comments
All accountability, not much integrity
Law & Liberties - 13/10/2009 - 1 comment
A Queensland Senate is needed to stop corruption
Domestic Politics - 7/08/2009 - 15 comments
Sunshine state hasn't shaken its shady past
Domestic Politics - 24/07/2009 - 7 comments
Politicians betraying their ideology
Domestic Politics - 15/07/2009 - 7 comments
Democracy has long odds in a stacked house
Domestic Politics - 6/07/2009 - 10 comments
History shows there's no good excuse for broken promises
Domestic Politics - 29/05/2009 - 8 comments
Our freefalling tourism industry needs more help, not less
Economics - 22/04/2009 - 2 comments
LNP loss will kill merger
Domestic Politics - 3/03/2009 - 5 comments
Checks in the power plays
Domestic Politics - 11/02/2009 - 2 comments
Education must be about freedom of choice
Education - 29/01/2009 - 19 comments
Ministerial staff have become a threat to good policy advice
Domestic Politics - 14/01/2009 - 1 comment
Every pollie wins a prize
Domestic Politics - 2/01/2009 - 7 comments
Local government ... down and out in Canberra
Domestic Politics - 19/11/2008 - 4 comments
Queensland shadows ... not there yet
Domestic Politics - 18/08/2008
Queensland, the Smart State
Domestic Politics - 10/07/2008 - 5 comments
Taxpayers' money and private industry
Economics - 26/06/2008 - 4 comments
Informal and 'judicial' Haneef inquiry a paper tiger
Law & Liberties - 7/05/2008 - 17 comments
Regional skills crisis must be addressed
Economics - 28/02/2008
Correct formula for more input
February 2008 Feature - 5/02/2008 - 2 comments
The state of democracy in Queensland
Domestic Politics - 24/12/2007 - 10 comments
Regional generosity needs explaining
Domestic Politics - 7/12/2007
Queensland's burning - local government amalgamations Beattie-style
Domestic Politics - 27/09/2007 - 5 comments
Beattie retires
Domestic Politics - 18/09/2007 - 4 comments
Biggest rort of all slips under the radar
Domestic Politics - 6/08/2007 - 13 comments
States out of place in today's universities
Education - 26/06/2007 - 4 comments
PM's financial achievement no accident
Economics - 30/05/2007 - 23 comments
Queensland’s wicked ways
Domestic Politics - 18/05/2007 - 4 comments
Australians are all conservatives now
Domestic Politics - 1/05/2007 - 25 comments
Principles, posturing and policy - COAG 2007
Domestic Politics - 26/04/2007 - 2 comments
Party to disaster
Domestic Politics - 26/03/2007 - 4 comments
Winner takes all: politicians with power
Political Philosophy - 8/03/2007 - 6 comments
Behave or else
Domestic Politics - 28/02/2007 - 8 comments
Rudd's ruthless style entrenched Labor
Domestic Politics - 16/01/2007 - 5 comments
Elderly caught in the net
Society - 29/11/2006
What to do when under suspicion?
Law & Liberties - 2/11/2006 - 5 comments
Gasping Coalition
Domestic Politics - 20/09/2006 - 1 comment
Water vote will ripple across Australia
Domestic Politics - 14/08/2006 - 7 comments
Cross the party line and you are out
Domestic Politics - 19/06/2006 - 55 comments
Balancing the power: Queensland needs an upper house
Domestic Politics - 20/04/2006 - 15 comments
Informing government
Domestic Politics - 7/04/2006 - 3 comments
Royal Commissions bite back
Domestic Politics - 21/02/2006 - 3 comments
Towards a new deal on infrastructure?
July 2005 Feature - 4/07/2005

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