But this is not the main game. Today is 1780 in economic
time. That was when Britain industrialised. The rest
of the world ultimately followed. Those who were slow
to industrialise remained poor. Today, the US is leading
us into the Information Age. You know how quickly technology
is changing everything, including the work place. Adapt
or drop behind.
Fortunately, Australians like IT. We are adapting.
If we want to succeed in the Information Age, we need
to keep pace with the cutting edge of change. Then we
will create new businesses and new jobs. The cutting
edge of IT is the US. These are the reference points
an FTA will give our companies. So set up, they will
compete in any market in the world. Whose standards
would you use?
You can sneer that this is acquiring Enron and Worldcom
values. We don't have to look over the fence for that. We
have HIH, we had Skase, we had Bond. And we always will
and so will they. Was the whole US labor movement criminal
like Jimmy Hoffa?
Ask your children and their friends where we should look
to keep up to date with IT. They know where the future
lies and it doesn't frighten them. They also know we
don't have to become American to take the best from
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