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You owe your life to Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov

By Steven Meyer - posted Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Wikileaks shows how the Saudis have literally begged the Americans to defang Iran. (As quoted by Geoffrey Robertson, see below)

Who are the nuclear weapons states?

There are eight acknowledged states, China, France, India, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, UK and US.


South Africa had assembled six nukes but the National Party Government dismantled them and acceded to the non-proliferation treaty before handing power to the African National Congress much to the latter's dismay. Many within the ANC truly thought they were going to take over a nuclear armed state. On the other hand the US had made it clear to the Apartheid Government that they would not countenance Gaddaffi's friend, Nelson Mandela, acquiring nukes and were prepared to bomb South Africa's nuclear facilities. They had built an airbase in neighbouring Botswana for this purpose. They probably also paid senior members of the outgoing National Party regime hefty bribes to dismantle South Africa's nuclear strike capabilities and agree to a rigorous inspection regime.

Israel has never admitted to having nukes but its nuclear arsenal is the worst kept secret in the world.

Japan is acknowledged as a "virtual" nuclear power. While it probably has never actually assembled a bomb it has all the parts ready. Most analysts believe it could deploy a formidable nuclear strike force in a very short period – perhaps in less than a year.

Given the close ties that existed between Taiwan and Apartheid South Africa I am inclined to think that Taiwan too is a virtual nuclear power though perhaps not as "bomb ready" as Japan.

I think a similar argument could be made for Saudi Arabia given its links with Pakistan.

Iran is quite obviously working to acquire nukes as fast as possible.


I do not think much can now be done to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons. That genie is well and truly out of the bottle.

Focus on Iran versus Israel – The Mad Mullah theory

Since many people believe the most likely protagonists in the next nuclear war will be Iran and Israel I shall discuss this situation briefly.

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About the Author

Steven Meyer graduated as a physicist from the University of Cape Town and has spent most of his life in banking, insurance and utilities, with two stints into academe.

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