And if you still want to club your kids, why not do it properly? I loved the Discipline Chart because it takes all the hard work out of establishing standards and boundaries for you and your kids, and replaces it with an easy to follow chart that matches the discipline with the sin (sorry, behaviour problem). Wallop on over to: and tally away. BTW, the good pastor believes that you should never use your hand for corporal discipline since it is a symbol of love. Use a rod instead (a ¼" dowel rod works best I understand).
And for us grown ups with no sense of discipline, why not mosey over to for the latest on a conference on interdisciplinary studies. I just loved the conference theme "No Sense of Discipline: An International Conference on Interdisciplinarity". I’m just waiting on Lola’s recommendations before I register us.
Until next time, dear reader.
"You can’t mesmerize me. I’m British!" Peter Cushing making the monster understand what’s what in the movie At the Earth’s Core, 1976
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