In his valedictory speech as retiring Head of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Peter Shergold declared himself “buoyed” by the ability of the public service “to continue to recruit the best and brightest” across the land.
This is just as well since the gilded ones have “the chance - indeed, the obligation - to present policy advice that is strongly argued and unvarnished, to set forward alternatives, to establish and interpret the facts as objectively as possible and to ensure that the consequences of actions are foreseen”.
Dr Shergold’s own recruitment to the public service, initially as head of the Office of Multicultural Affairs, followed the best part of two decades in academia, as opposed to the standard central agency track, and it is difficult to avoid the impression he has retained something of the engaging delirium of those innocent groves. Dr Pangloss would have been proud.
Such, at any rate, is the impression one gets after a spell of “scribing” for public service appointment committees in the national capital. The alternative possibility - that this selection process really does produce the brightest and the best - does not bear a second’s thought.
For those who may not know, a “scribe” is the person who takes copious notes at an interview, records the musings of the panel, and writes it all up in a way that encapsulates the essential impartiality and thoroughness of the exercise. He or she is usually a writer of some sort, happy enough to get out of the house for a few hours to turn discursive sows’ ears into polyester purses. Most importantly, the scribe is invisible and mute.
Extreme forbearance is also advisable, since the urge to intervene can be intense. It starts even before the interviews, with the list of selection criteria. (Or rather, criterias. You quickly learn the linguistic agendum.) Most of these are boilerplate:
“Must be a team player.” “Facilitates co-operation and partnerships.” “Good written and verbal communication.” (Though wouldn’t making your point by judicious ear-twitching be rather more impressive?)
Some look like specifications for a standover merchant: “Ensures closure and delivers on intended results.”
Others remind you why the ACT is the nation’s X-rated capital: “Understands who the stakeholders and clients are. Proactively offers assistance for a mutually beneficial relationship. Anticipates and is responsive to internal and external client and stakeholder needs and incorporates their expectations into performance standards.”
It should be stressed that this initial cull is scrupulously fair, especially in those departments which outsource the task to private recruitment agencies employing glorified clerks to administer off-the-shelf keyword recognition software.
Apart from the more or less official guides to answering public service selection criteria there are several useful “cheat sheets” which can be used as templates for any and all positions. The author of one is self-described as a “mental nutritionist”. Alternatively, you can pay another kind of agency to write the whole thing for you. It’s even more lucrative a gig than scribing.
Those who have made it to the interview will obviously have negotiated these formidable obstacles and can expect the panel to drill down through their necessarily stereotypical applications to determine if they are the right courtier for the job. Some are nervous. Others will never cotton on to what is expected. A few know the ropes. They are already public servants.
“There are no correct or incorrect answers to these questions,” the chairperson assures them, even as the whole committee prepares to tick off (or not) the list of passwords, jargon and examples they have already decided are the cypher to a successful “outcome”.
The interviews themselves are also scrupulously fair, in that the list of prepared questions is strictly adhered to, no matter what the candidate says or what potentially interesting directions might have been pursued. It also helps that often the interviewers themselves know next to nothing about the job in question. Expertise can so easily prejudice sound judgment, as any human resources professional will attest.
In any case, the crucial thing is to ensure the successful candidate will fit in.
But the real fun begins during the discussions afterwards. Members of the panel get themselves a cup of coffee and turn their respective check-lists and sentiments into numbers. There are, of course, strict guidelines to follow. E=“Excellent”=5; RD=“Requires Development”=2; G-=“Goodish”=3-. Alternatively, A-=“Excellent”; B+=“Clubbable” …
It is at this point the outsider is in the position of a toper at an up-market wine tasting, able only to marvel at the intellectual complexity and subtleties of public service culture. There appears, for example, to be a vocational chasm between selection as an APS5 and APS6 (apart from about $200 a week); and that between an APS6 and EL1 verges on the metaphysical.
On the one occasion I had a reasonable grasp of the policy area in question (having taught it for several years at university and knowing many of the main players personally) the candidate I would have judged easily the brightest and the best was dismissed out of hand as “totally unsuitable”.
Which, undoubtedly, he was. For one thing, he knew what he was talking about. For another, he showed a commendable disregard for “process” - that is, endless meetings to avoid personal responsibility - over competence. The odd thing is he was shortlisted at all.
Having sat on various appointment committees myself, I am no under illusions about the inherently subjective nature of such proceedings and the dangers (and temptation) of purely arbitrary choice. But what I witnessed in Canberra was obdurate conformism masquerading as evenhandedness, self-delusion in motion, bureaucratic abracadabra.
Like the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Shergold has a touching, doubtless evidence-based confidence that his own beliefs reflect the purity of whatever sphere he inhabits, in which all counsel is “strongly argued and unvarnished”. He is now back in academe.
In the meantime, the rest of us can be confident that the movers and shakers of the Australian Public Service will continue to appoint and reappointment themselves as the brightest and the best in this best of all possible worlds.