No issue more preoccupies the modern
political process than economic growth.
As never before, economic growth is the
touchstone of policy success. Countries
rate their progress against others by
their income per person, which can only
rise through faster growth. High growth
is a cause of national pride while low
growth attracts accusations of incompetence
in rich countries and pity in the case
of poor countries.
A country that experiences a period
of low growth goes through an agony of
national soul searching in which pundits
of the left and right expostulate about
"where we went wrong" and whether
there is some tragic fault in the national
Every newspaper, every day, quotes a
political leader or a commentator arguing
that we need more economic growth to improve
the level of national well-being and build
a better society. The release of the quarterly
national accounts unfailingly receives
extensive coverage. Picking out growth
in gross
national product (GNP), journalists
write as if they have an infallible technical
barometer of a nation's progress. Derived
by some of the best statisticians using
the internationally agreed system of national
accounting, GNP appears to provide a measure
of prosperity that is immune to argument.
If GNP growth reaches or exceeds expectations,
government leaders crow about their achievements.
If it falls below expectations, the opposition
parties seize on the figures to attack
the government for its ineptitude. Throughout
history national leaders have promised
freedom, equality, mass education, moral
invigoration and the restoration of national
pride; now they promise more economic
growth. If at any time there were doubts
about the ends to which a nation should
aspire, they are no more.
In the thrall of growth fetishism, all
of the major political parties in the
West have made themselves captives of
the national accounts. While they may
differ on social policy, there is an unchallengeable
consensus that the over-riding objective
of government must be growth of the economy.
Parties fight elections each promising
to manage the economy better so that economic
growth will be higher.
The answer to almost every problem is
"more economic growth". The
problem is unemployment; only growth can
create the jobs. Schools and hospitals
are underfunded; faster growth will improve
the budget. We can't afford to protect
the environment; the solution is more
growth. Poverty is entrenched; growth
will rescue the poor. Income distribution
is unequal; more growth will make everyone
better off.
For decades we have been promised that
growth will unlock possibilities of which
previous generations could only dream.
Economic growth will deliver a life of
ever-increasing leisure, more free services,
devices to relieve the drudgery of household
work, opportunities for personal enrichment,
exciting space travel, and cures for the
diseases of humankind. The lure of growth
is endless.
But in the face of all of the fantastical
promises of economic growth, at the beginning
of the 21st century we are confronted
by an awful fact, a fact that stands as
an immovable obstacle to further progress.
Despite high and sustained levels of economic
growth in the West over a period of 50
years - growth that has seen average real
incomes increase several times over -
the mass of people are no more satisfied
with their lives now than they were then.
If the purpose of growth has been to
give us better lives - and there can be
no other purpose - then it has manifestly
failed. The reader can simply ask this
question: Do I believe that on the whole
people are happier now than they were
40 or 50 years ago? When asked this question,
almost everyone says "no".
The more we examine the role of growth
in modern society, the more our preoccupation
with it appears to be a fetish, that is,
the worship of an inanimate object for
its apparent magical powers. Economic
growth purports to be a very ordinary
activity, no more than an increase in
the volume of goods and services produced
each year. But closer analysis reveals
that it "abounds in metaphysical
subtleties and theological niceties".
The product of growth - which for ordinary
people takes the form of its universal
equivalent, money income - represents,
of course, much more than a greater ability
to consume. Increase in income is the
very object of life in modern society,
in which all of the hopes and schemes
of men and women are invested. Indeed,
increasing income has become pivotal to
the creation and reproduction of self
in modern society. Thus growth takes on
significance not because it multiplies
the pile of goods and services available
for consumption but because of the excitation
it produces in people - the promise it
holds to attain bliss.
Growth fetishism is not confined to advanced
countries. While the case for economic
growth is much stronger in countries below
a certain level of average income, developing
countries are also obsessed with it, perhaps
the last and most potent legacy of colonialism.
They have little choice. Were developing
countries to deviate from the single-minded
pursuit of maximum economic growth, we
can be sure that if the markets did not
exact instant retribution, then the IMF
and the World Bank would.