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The Scott Morrison ministerial appointment saga: A case of political theatrics

By Scott Prasser - posted Monday, 22 August 2022

Much criticism has been levelled at former Prime Minister Scott Morrison for assuming full ministerial powers across several major portfolios of his then government – health, resources, finance, home affairs and even treasury.

Although this was done quite constitutionally, being signed off by the Governor-General seemingly without any protest or expression of concern, this has been labelled by the new Labor government, the media, most commentators and even some of Morrison’s former cabinet colleagues as being a ‘scandal’.

The issue is not whether it was unconstitutional or illegal, which it plainly was not, but that it was secret. Indeed, even some of Morrison’s cabinet colleagues whose powers he had assumed were unaware of this action.


Further, it is being argued that if not unconstitutional or illegal, then Morrison was breaking Westminster ‘conventions’ of cabinet solidarity and that parliament was not informed.

Of course, arguing about Westminster ‘conventions’ is always a bit tricky as they are neither statutorily defined, static nor disconnected from the politics of the day. What is a ‘convention’ to some on one day, is to be ignored on another depending on the circumstances like some type of ‘crisis’.  The problem is that the definition of a ‘crisis’ is inevitably caught up in politics. Where you stand on issues depends on whose side you sit.

Hence, political combatants in parliament have a habit of changing their views about when a convention should be followed and when it should not. Labor leader Gough Whitlam when in opposition, believed the Senate had a constitutional right to block the Gorton Coalition Government’s 1970 taxation bill and thus budget. However, when the Coalition effectively did so to his government’s budget in 1975, Whitlam argued they were breaking a Westminster ‘convention’ that an upper house should not block a lower house’s legislative program!

And while everyone is concerned about Scott Morrison’s ‘secrecy’ let us not forget that the whole basis of cabinet government is about secrecy and confidentiality. Cabinet solidarity is all about secrecy – arguments and disagreements in cabinet are not to be publicly aired.

Also, let’s put in context the time when Morrison made those decisions. Australia, like the rest of the world was in the midst of a pandemic about which little was initially known. Horrific scenarios of death rates, economic collapse, and the end of civilisation as we know it, were being forecast.

Let us also not forget the extreme actions by state governments, made in the name of ‘health advice’ that was never made public such as the mandatory requirement to wearing a mask in your own car!


In addition, many other Westminster conventions were being broken at the time such as the truncation of parliamentary sittings and the overnight passing of legislation and urgent large budget expenditures.

These have all been overlooked. Some of the critics of Morrison on what is in essence a minor issue, were silent when these other aspects of our democracy were being overridden.

Moreover, it seems Morrison did not, with one possible exception, use any of these powers. No harm was done. No public money was spent or wasted. No-one was arrested or imprisoned.

So, what’s the problem?

Indeed, you could argue that Morrison should be criticised for not using his additional ministerial powers to moderate some of the expensive and excessive decisions of his own ministers, and to take on the states as they locked people down and robbed them of their freedom and livelihoods.

Finally, we should see this pile on the former prime minister for what it really is – the politics of besmirching your predecessor so as to destroy their legitimacy. In the case of those former Coalition ministers and members attacking Morrison there may be some elements of revenge for some slight Morrison may have inflected upon them like sacking them as minister or moving them sideways in the ministerial pecking order.

Unfortunately, those Coalition members in this attack on Morrison are just playing into Labor’s hands and are showing their own political ineptitude.

Perhaps, everyone should ask how this so called ‘secret’ has come out? Has someone from the Prime Minister’s Department leaked it or is the Governor-General’s office to blame? Or is it someone within the Coalition ranks with a grudge against Morrison who knew the story. You never know who has been sleeping with whom in Canberra these days. Politics has strange bedfellows.


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About the Author

Dr Scott Prasser has worked on senior policy and research roles in federal and state governments. His recent publications include:Royal Commissions and Public Inquiries in Australia (2021); The Whitlam Era with David Clune (2022), the edited New directions in royal commission and public inquiries: Do we need them? and The Art of Opposition (2024)reviewing oppositions across Australia and internationally.

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