In some schools, buildings cost more than $1 million, yet local contractors claimed they could have constructed them for one fifth or less of the price. The waste ran into the billions.
In her attack on the Howard Government, Julia Gillard also neglected to mention that the Howard Government had to find the funds to pay down the $96 billion debt inherited from the Keating Labor government.
She also failed to acknowledge the $70 billion placed in a Future Fund set up so that future generations of taxpayers did not have to meet the superannuation liabilities of public servants.
Also overlooked was the fact that the Howard government delivered successive surplus budgets, including bequeathing a $20 billion surplus to the incoming Labor government in 2007.
Perhaps Julia Gillard was too embarrassed to mention the $6 billion the Howard Government saved in the Higher Education Endowment Fund designed to support universities in perpetuity, for she has raided those savings as well.
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, particularly while attempting to rewrite history.
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