The High Court’s comments in the Yanner decision about the content, proof, and extinguishment of native title will be critical in future test cases on native title determinations, including any appeals in the landmark West Kimberley decision by Justice Lee in 1998 and the equally important Alice Springs decision by Justice Olney in 1999. Those decisions cover a wide range of land titles and governmental actions, and their capacity to extinguish native title, including mining, rural, and other commercial land grants as well as governmental actions concerning land and waters.
What are the limits on the Yanner decision’s implications? It says little about the role of the Commonwealth’s 1975 Racial Discrimination Act, because the Queensland Act predated that Act. However, there are likely to be State and Territory Acts passed between 31 October 1975 (when the Racial Discrimination Act commenced) and June 1992 (when native title was legally recognised for the first time in Australia in the landmark Mabo decision) which cover the vesting or ownership of property by the Crown and which will need reviewing in light of this decision, the Racial Discrimination Act, and the Native Title Act.
Similarly, there are likely to be a range of Commonwealth, State, and Territory regulatory regimes which establish licensing or other lawful requirements which purportedly apply to native title owners and everyone else, and which now need reviewing to establish whether the exemption from licensing in section 211 of the Commonwealth Native Title Act might also apply to them.
Impact on State Vesting and Ownership of Minerals and Resources
As a decision about the capacity of statutory regimes of Crown ownership and control of resources to extinguish native title, the Yanner decision clearly has flow-on implications for a range of licensing and other regulatory regimes at Commonwealth, State, and Territory levels. In theory, this could extend to vesting and ownership regimes relating to mineral resources, land and waters, national parks, Crown-to-Crown grants, flora and fauna, harbours, natural resources, and other elements of the environment. This is because the Queensland Act in the Yanner case made fauna "the property of the Crown", and yet the High Court said that "property" here meant a non-exclusive right of the State to exercise power over wildlife, rather than an exclusive right of ownership in the conventional sense. Every Act which establishes Crown "ownership" of, or "property" in, a natural resource will need assessing on its merits in light of the principles and result in the Yanner decision. At the same time, the principles in the Yanner decision do not translate automatically to those other contexts, where crucial differences can apply. So, in practice, its effect is possibly more confined.
An immediate reaction to this aspect of the decision might be to ask why the States and Territories, armed with this guidance on government ownership of natural resources from the High Court, do not simply redraft their vesting and ownership regimes to ensure that native title is extinguished. Policy issues aside, the simple answer is that both the Native Title Act and the Racial Discrimination Act limit what these governments can do. The "future act" regime in the native title legislation applies to legislative actions as well as things such as government grants of titles, and so detailed procedural restrictions and compensation rights will apply to any such future extinguishment of native title. Of course, that says nothing one way or the other about the capacity of pre-1975 Crown ownership and vesting regimes to confer complete ownership of relevant resources on the Crown. It also says nothing about legislation which regulates but does not extinguish native title.
Anyone who asserts that the Yanner decision creates a legal domino effect which automatically means that exclusive Crown ownership of mineral resources is no longer guaranteed under legislation is overstating the decision’s immediate impact. Any challenge to legislation vesting mineral ownership in the Crown will need to overcome a number of obstacles. Such a challenge will probably be made in light of the Yanner decision, because of the High Court’s opening up of the concept of "property" to include things other than complete and exclusive ownership, depending upon the context and terms of the legislation vesting ownership of a resource in the Crown.
However, the outcome of any challenge is not a fait accompli after the Yanner decision. While some High Court comments in the Yanner case drew analogies between State ownership of minerals and wildlife for comparative purposes, those comments are not determinative. Concepts of property ownership and use of royalties apply to both mineral and fauna legislation. However, the uses are not always exactly the same in both situations. Every mining and petroleum Act in every jurisdiction will need to be examined on its own terms. Moreover, the circumstances of native title use of wildlife differ significantly from the circumstances of native title use and ownership of mineral resources.
Importantly, the High Court has not yet ruled definitively on this issue. Justice Drummond’s decision at trial level about the extinguishing impact on native title of legislative vesting of mineral resources in the Crown was not tested in the High Court appeal in the Wik decision, thus leaving the issue technically open for later review. One of the key mining Acts analysed by Justice Drummond stated, amongst other things, that "(a)ll other minerals on or below the surface of all land which is not alienated in fee-simple from the Crown at the commencement of this Act are the property of the Crown". Compare and contrast that statutory formula with the Yanner case’s statutory formula, stating that "(a)ll fauna … is the property of the Crown".
Immediately after the High Court’s Yanner decision, one prominent native title lawyer active in the corporate and resources sectors declared that the High Court’s decision was specific to wildlife and that there was "no open season on minerals". Strictly speaking, that is right. Yet, once an Act stating that, with limited exceptions, "all fauna … is the property of the Crown" can be interpreted by the High Court as conferring something less than full and exclusive ownership of the resource upon the Crown, other Crown ownership regimes must at least be investigated in light of the Yanner decision.
Conservation, Environment, and Heritage Regimes
At the same time, it is likely that the Yanner decision will cause some Australian governments to review the extent to which their wildlife protection and conservation laws allow room for sustainable Indigenous uses of wildlife, and the factors – conservation, commerce, respect for human rights, etc – which affect the judgement of what is "sustainable". The Australian Democrats have already signalled the need for moves in this area. In the immediate aftermath of the Yanner decision, Federal Environment Minister Robert Hill reportedly was interested in advice on its implications for World Heritage areas and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.
Concluding Remarks
The High Court has put governments, corporations, and citizens on notice that old assumptions and practices from pre-Mabo times about property use and ownership as well as statutory regimes governing property in all forms must all be studied afresh in light of the changes to Australian law caused by native title’s legal recognition in 1992. In the Yanner decision, Justice Gummow repeated his warning in the Wik decision that "ingrained, but misleading, habits of thought and understanding lurk in this area of law".
Much will be made of the Yanner decision and its impact. Its implications are unlikely to be limited to native title hunting rights. Will it result in wholesale judicial reinterpretation of statutory regimes relating to Crown vesting and ownership of land and resources of various kinds? Anyone involved in native title litigation before the High Court knows that the only constant in predictions about the High Court’s future decision-making on native title is "never say never". Just ask the Australian governments who wrongly acted on the pre-Wik assumption that the High Court would eventually decide that pastoral leases completely extinguish native title.