There has been speculation that world population growth will eventually lead to ''water wars'' and while there are no signs of that occurring in the foreseeable future, nations must ensure that their scarce resources are used as effectively as possible.
Recent rains and floods in many parts of Australia have provided relief from one of the worst droughts on record. However, Australia is the driest inhabited continent in the world and we must continue to treat fresh water as a valuable resource.
There has been a long-running and heated debate between Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia about the water flowing, or not flowing, through the Murray-Darling basin. Various solutions have been proposed over time, including federal takeovers and water buybacks, but no long-term solution has been yet been achieved.
The Coalition believes that great gains can be made in the Murray-Darling through investments in water efficiency. Investments such as lining water channels and re-engineering water storages would yield huge dividends in terms of reduced evaporation and seepage of this precious natural resource.
A failure to improve water conservation in the Murray-Darling Basin means billions of litres will continue to be lost. This water could otherwise be used to grow food and fibre and maintain the environment.
Safe and sustainable supplies of clean fresh water is a matter of environmental necessity and human security.
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