Rural communities in the Anglo Saxon world have been in decline for longer than Australia has been settled. But it was hard to tell this in the hey days of settlement. As rural industries spread, people and capital followed, producing a spending boom of mammoth proportions as towns, roads, railways and dams were built. On top of that Australia was a rural innovator and enjoyed good prices for products, like wool, in which she was a leading supplier.
But any cocky who took advantage of the rural land boom in the 60's to sell up and move to the Gold Coast, probably picked it right. Things have never been the same since. Most of the dams have been built, the railways were in place, the roads only need a little bitumen on the shoulders, and the population, and with it the towns, has been shrinking.
For more than 100 years, the prices of rural commodities have been falling in real dollars. To cope, producers have had to either become more efficient, or find profitable niches, or do both together. Efficiency means doing more with less - less people, and less capital - and that has taken the drivers out of obvious rural prosperity. It has also left many marooned on properties they could not sell for the valuations set against the title deeds sitting in the bank's vault. Yet there is still a prosperity in the bush - fortunes are even now being made - but it is a depopulated and invisible prosperity.
Into this landscape walked Pauline Hanson. She offered hope to the huddled masses, a vicious hope based on xenophobic blame shifting and snake oil nostrums that would kill, rather than heal, the patient, but hope nevertheless. And people have been buying. Not that they will buy her brand for much longer. Many of the ointments have become so rancid that even the flies won’t blow on them, but she has her imitators, and some of these have a better grasp on their craft than she.
So it is no wonder that the Human Rights Traps have decided that it is time to slip into Hanson Territory.
Bush Talks is an admirable document to just short of its action plans. It is a peripatetic waltz through rural and regional Australia featuring a smorgasbord of complaints - not statistically rigorous, but creating empathy with the patient. As one of the elites that Hanson rails against, it does the Commission no harm to empathize.
But this research has its limits. Patients can be wrong about pain. It can be referred from some other part of the body. They can exaggerate just how bad it is. Their complaint has to be followed up by diagnosis, and diagnosis has to be based on rigorous analysis. Otherwise, the physician is no better than the snake oil salesman.
The problem with the Bush Talks approach is that it fails to take that analytical step. And it fails to take the step for institutional reasons which have nothing to do with the decency and integrity of its staff, and everything to do with the inappropriateness of part of the United Nations model for human rights, of which, in a sense, the Commission is the local administrator.
The report is strongest in the projects that it undertakes dealing with civil and political rights - Juvenile Justice, Discrimination against Minority Groups - and weakest where it exercises a broader ranging mandate - Education, Health, Services. Yet every section is prefaced by an extract from some convention or other to which Australia is a party to prove that we have an overriding responsibility in these areas, apparently irrespective of cost. Indeed the mandates appear to be so wide that the commission ends up double-guessing government policy in just about every area. For an organization with limited resources, this has to be untenable, as well as causing it to stray from rights into politics.
The United Nations Universal Declaration on the Rights of the Human Being, combines the traditional civil and political rights with what it terms economic and social rights. Yet the latter are often no more than wants, needs or desires. While jobs, education, food and shelter are basic needs, they are not so basic that an individual can demand that the state supply them, unlike the rights to freedom of thought, expression and association. A good test of this is that many of us are glad to see Augusto Pinochet extradited for his breaches of civil and political rights, but who would suggest that a Head of Government ought to be tried for failing to provide a social security system?
One of the rights the Commission talks about is access to water, by which they seem to mean reticulated water. I recently visited friends, a retired Anglican clergyman and his wife. They live 45 minutes from Brisbane, have sea views and only a couple of blocks to walk to the local, modern shopping centre. According to the report they are two of "154,000 Australians ... without a reticulated water supply." The implication is that they lack a fundamental human right. But how so? They have water. They just have to collect it themselves when it falls on their roof, and when their collection process is inadequate because of drought, they truck it in from someone with a dam. Sure there is a cost, but so is there a cost to reticulated water. Those of us who have it pay for it. We are just a little less involved in its collection.
The report quotes complaints that water in rural Australia is too expensive. Water is a commodity, just like fruit and vegetables and fuels. It is more expensive in some areas than others, and just as well. This sends a message that there is a cost to collect and store it which discourages overuse. It is a scandal that for years governments have subsidized the price of water in the bush, particularly in irrigation. The result of this has been overuse resulting in destruction of waterways and natural habitat, and salination of good cropping land.
There is a whiff in this report that people should be paid to live in the bush because they have a right to live there. This is a dangerous thesis. For some to be subsidized, others actually have to make surplus income that can be used for that subsidy. This is their private property, and the right to private property is a very fundamental human right. Social Contractarians would say that it is only by being in society that the accumulation of wealth is possible, therefore society has a right to a call on that wealth. That is true, but only in so much as society uses it for the common good. The wasting of taxes is theft, and to pay a group of people to buy something which they can afford to buy for themselves is a waste.
People generally live where they do in the first place because that is where they can earn a living. Rural areas are in essence food factories (and by this phrase I do not mean to put them down - modern CBD’s with their glass walled termite mounds are essentially idea and paper shuffling factories and a lot of seaside towns are now virtual retirement villages). If the costs exceed the income, then people have to move to somewhere that they don’t, and while they have this option, there is no justification for raiding the savings of those who live in remunerative environments to subsidize their life style.
Paying people to live where they cannot make a living holds back the whole of society because it squanders some of the common wealth. And the money doesn’t just come out of the pockets of rich people. Proportionately more of it comes out of the pockets of the poorest people. People in Inala or Redfern can end up paying higher taxes or receiving less welfare benefits so that a country grandee in Roma can enjoy running water.
Worse still, it is demeaning to the recipients of this largesse. Another of the rights that the UN Declaration recognizes is the right to a job, by which they presumably mean a living. What this recognizes is the pride and self respect that humans derive by looking after themselves. But you cannot be said to be looking after yourself if you depend on gifts from others to get by. It is even more dehumanizing if you are demanding gifts from people to help you out with a cost that you could well meet yourself. Australians are very quick to brand people who rely on social security as dole bludgers or welfare cheats, but they are slow to apply the same terms to themselves when they go on the public teat.
It is also ironic that the Commission, in using the rights terminology, is using the same vocabulary that Pauline Hanson uses, and in pursuit of generally similar aims. The Hanson credo is "I have my rights too, and I think others (aborigines, ethnics, gays, the disabled and so on) are getting some of the rights that belong to me". In this context my choice of water was deliberate, as in Queensland, one of the arguments that the State Government is having with the Commonwealth is over the pricing of water. Many of its proposals for dams are uneconomic for the general public and damaging to the environment, but a gift to rural croppers who have the policy support of One Nation and other fellow travellers.
The situation is a lot more sophisticated than the Commission’s report seems to recognize. If sufficient attention is not paid to the complications then the pursuit of "rights" for one group can easily lead to the denial of even more basic rights to another.
I have my own project to suggest to the Commission. While I accept that it cannot institutionally abandon the language of rights; if it must inquire into these social and economic rights, it should come from a more basic position and try to look at root causes. Recognizing that these rights are more economic goods than anything else, it should investigate how the whole panoply of economic techniques can be used to enhance quality of life in the bush. This would require projects in conjunction with economists, and also business.
A proper investigation might come to some startling conclusions. For example, it might be more generally productive of human rights if some parts of the bush were to be depopulated even more. In this case the Commission could participate in the difficult taks of explaining this to the public. It might involve the construction of some sort of rights matrix that would make us all more aware of the interdependency of all rights on other rights. On the other hand, a national project to investigate models for the more effective distribution of banking, social security, and health products in rural areas could be so commercially productive that Government and Financial Institutions might be keen to provide significant funding. We also need a benchmarking study to provide a measure of the magnitude of the problem. While everyone says there are not enough services in the bush, no-one seems to have defined exactly what the level of provision should sensibly be. That would be the first and necessary step in any intelligent diagnosis.
One thing is certain. If the bush is to survive, it will continue to do more with less. It is in the interests of the victims of this process to accept this truth rather than to deny it - then they can get on with the rest of their lives. As a nation we have a duty to explain the facts. Afterall, rural people have a right to know the truth. Bush Talks may be good therapy, but it has to be followed by good medicine.