Has modern management a terminal illness?
Why do projects take so long, develop ever-greater complexity, yet so often fail to achieve any significant results? Why have our expectations for success diminished to the point that often the best we can hope for is staying power to endure the disruptive forces that appear unpredictably in the organisations where we work?
So asks American management guru Margaret Wheatley. Edward de Bono who has dedicated his life to teaching the science of thinking makes a similar observation:
The complexity of the modern world is outrunning management. Few problems are ever solved. They are temporarily subdued or given up on.
Management in the public sector is management by crisis. Problems are dealt with as they surface as if they were spot fires. The solution of one problem mostly creates another - or else a problem re-emerges after last year’s root cause analysis declared it to be solved. And, when there is no light at the end of the tunnel, those at the top see only one solution - reorganise! The same parts are then moved around at great expense in the hope that a solution will magically pop out.
Wheatley’s belief is that the core problem is that we take the approach of a mechanic to a car. We isolate a component from the system so that we can fix it. But, by isolating a component in a dynamic organisation, we are removing it from its relationships - and the problem is often in a relationship which immediately disappears in the breakdown analysis.
Wheatley in her book Leadership and the New Science looked at what science was saying about relationships. The man-in-the-street is becoming aware of the words “relationship” and “equilibrium” in the scientific sense. He knows;
- that there are deep ecological relationships and that to make a correction over here (for example by using an insecticide) can lead to an unforeseen adverse effect over there because nature has zillions of interacting components; and
- that climate change demonstrates that the natural world is composed of systems which exist within other systems and which all come together to strike a natural balance - if left uninterfered with.
Wheatley says that the job in front of us now is to bring this holistic awareness into organisations. De Bono in his book I am right. You are wrong also calls for an holistic approach:
We feel comfortable when dealing with absolutes rather than relatives, while ignoring the fact that an absolute must be independent of circumstances - which it can never be.
Science is the study of relationships - and science is awesomely successful
Biological feedback is what biological relationships are all about. The most impressive example occurs in the developing embryo where cells appear to “talk” to each other as if in a telephone network. As the organs develop each system "knows" its place within the whole organism.
Self-regulating systems as occur in living cells allow for spontaneous corrections. The pressure to introduce increasing control in an organisation works in the opposite direction. Spontaneous creativity is killed, and excessive control by insecure management is the killer. Lateral thinking is not permitted - especially where an increasing demand for the service is putting a heavy pressure on resources.
Management must be as comfortable with uncertainty as what science is. There must be freedom to adapt. It will only be then that free-flowing relationships will find their natural points of equilibrium. Management typically has no understanding of this principle. Margaret Wheatley puts this succinctly:
Fluctuations in nature create new ordered systems, but fluctuations in management are seen as signs of impending disorder.
Complex systems analysis (chaos theory) and quantum physics describe the uncertainty in the substratum upon which the physical world we observe sits. We know the physical outcomes of these processes with exactness, but not the path which led to the observation. Within that substratum and beyond our observation are the relationships which determine everything. It requires a whole new perspective to accept a world which is primarily not of objects but only of hidden connections.
In desperation we push and pull in our desire for success. Our fear of defeat does not allow for a natural unfolding. The rigidity imposed by mechanical analysis and adversarial stances is the world of the controller. Religious ritual can be the path to ultimate control.
A management decision based on incomplete information eventually runs out of road when some hidden variable in the human “ecosystem” suddenly exposes itself. All management decisions are based on incomplete information to some degree. The more incomplete the information, the sooner the day of reckoning.
Mental conditioning
Albert Einstein warned us that the solution to a problem cannot emerge from the same consciousness that created it. The first step in escaping the trap is to be aware of the power of mental conditioning which gradually funnels thinking into a tunnel.
Very few people ever come to realise that their sense of free thought is a delusion. They will go to their graves having spent their lives looking through a small window created by family, society, school, religion or the media.
In pre-school days we were alert to everything that surrounded us. We thought laterally. We asked unexpected questions. We had imaginations. We were mostly in the theta brain wave state.
Then after 12 years of schooling we had been conditioned to move seamlessly into the world of the linear thinkers and the security of rigid social and economic structures. Now we were in mostly the beta brain wave state. Much of our natural creative ability had been buried.
What is normal is established by those in a community bouncing off each other. But in the corporate culture this interaction is not free to flow. The flow is along pathways as set down by the rules or simply by the vibrations coming down from the top. This is the corporate feedback mechanism which corrects aberrations from the norm - and the norm may be a highly ineffective and even unethical way of doing things.
Finally - a “case study”
In 2004, NSW Health merged the 17 areas in its health service into eight. People pontificating around a big table imagined that if only they had more control, there would be less problems.
Just as in ecology, there are now problems emerging that were not predicted. The consensus is that the public health situation in the state has got significantly worse since 2004. This should be no surprise. Much of the underlying network in each of the original 17 areas established by the interaction of systems of people in the preceding 20 years was destroyed by the mergers.
The public health system has a complexity beyond anybody’s understanding. Will the holistic approach based on natural rather than imposed and distorted feedback mechanisms be allowed into the administration of NSW Health? Not likely. We plebs will continue to watch passively while the people at the top lead the service into a bigger mess; a service which already sucks off 27 per cent of the state budget.