In international affairs, we divide the world into developed and developing nations. The yardstick we use to do so is, typically, economic - GDP per capita or some such measure.
What do we do in communities? If "community development" is an activity we can successfully undertake, how do we know when we have crossed the line between a "developing" and a "developed" community? What yardsticks are available to us?
An economic measure is undoubtedly not the answer at this level - even if we could measure total economic output of the community, it would be a meaningless measure of community development. What is needed, I would guess, is some measure of the "social capital" of a community.
Now, attempts are being made to measure social capital across the length and breadth of the land. It has become a necessary (if not sufficient) category in grant applications and academic theses; typically, these measures provide some multi-factored index of "community wellbeing", including, for example, measures of political participation, diversity of friendships and informal ties, faith-based engagement, number of books borrowed from the local library, and so on.
So, when is the community sufficiently "developed"?
There is a tendency here to say that a community can always be "developed" more. This, I think, springs from the "community management" perspective taken by many community agencies and authorities, where "continual improvement" is the order of the day, and "business re-engineering" is the stuff of management lift-outs in financial newspapers. I have railed against this "management" perspective in previous articles (and I will probably do so again!).
Somehow, this seems to me a "static" view of the community - the community as an object or set of processes that can be optimised to some static environment.
I suspect that the answer to our question has more to do with taking a different perspective on "community development" and certainly the community's environment: One that sees the community as an ever-changing, adaptive "organism", responding to constant change, staying buoyant and flexible through a myriad of social changes and processes.
Perhaps the answer is to say that the community is sufficiently "developed" when it has the necessary (internal) mechanisms to be autonomous (self-sufficient) and adaptive? That is, the community is not "developed" when it has Programme X or Service Y, but when it is capable of meeting its own needs, in an ever-changing environment, through its internal (social) processes.
This view of communities as "complex, adaptive systems" could open our eyes to entirely new ways of viewing communities.
For instance, complex systems, in the natural sciences, demonstrate internal structure that can be characterised through the use of so-called PoLo graphs: Graphs of the exponential distribution of group (element) size, and so-called log-normal distributions of group frequency. (Huh?) Details aside, this means that we could potentially apply existing statistical measures to an understanding of when a community has reached "critical mass" and is behaving in a "complex" manner, being adaptive in its environment.
This is a view of a community that aggregates across the people that make up the community to view the whole community as a "system". Where does this leave the people?
In this view, the people are the "basic units" of the system, and they aggregate into groups, both small and large. In any workable community there will be a characteristic size mix of these elements (groups), definable by certain mathematical distributions. Too many large groups can lead to rigidity, and too many small groups can lead to fragmentation; we need a moderate mix of the two. And here is our first pointer to a community development "rule of thumb": the community is not sufficiently developed if there is a "group size" imbalance.
The community development worker, besides improving the individual human capital of the community (that is, working with the people), needs to keep one eye on the overall composition of the community - and be prepared to amalgamate or split groups as necessary to keep the "organism" balanced and adaptive. A corollary to that rule might be that the "death" of some groups is not necessarily a bad thing, it may lead to a more balanced whole. The urge to keep all groups "alive" - and attendant panic by some community workers when groups start to fail - may (sometimes) be misplaced. As may the urge to "keep developing", where "developing" means starting more and more small groups …
Communities are self-organising, left to their own devices. When the community development team rides into town, the tendency is to "do something" in order to satisfy the shire, or the agency, or the residents. Yet "doing something" may be the wrong thing to do. There is an old tale about the difference between American and Japanese management styles: Faced with a crisis, the Americans "do something, anything" while the Japanese do nothing, just watch to see how the system responds.
This may often be the best approach to "community development" (but don't tell your boss) - when in doubt, do nothing. Let that group fall over, let that attempted grouping fail. Wait, and see how the (self-organising, adaptive) community responds.
If it rises over the ashes, it may very well be developed…
"Govern a country as you would cook a small fish" (Tao Te Ching). And don't overcook your community.