What then, are possible payment models for the software
and entertainment industries?
Big IT vendors like IBM, Sun, and HP are already
solving the payment problems presented by Open Source,
though they may not recognize that they are doing so.
I am referring to "on-demand computing", or,
to use the name that I prefer, "utility computing".
In this model, IT vendors (mostly hardware companies
at present) deliver computing power in a utility fashion:
Enterprise Consumer X gets the computing cycles when
it needs them, rather than buying all of the hardware/software
Importantly, customers in this model buy IT (including
software) as a service, rather than as a standalone
product. As such, customers do not really buy software
at all - they buy a solution to their business problem.
Whether the "guts" of that solution are open
or closed source does not matter anymore. Customers
will increasingly pay for value, delivered as a service:
SP (service property) rather than IP (intellectual property).
A closely related model is the ASP model. Companies
like Salesforce.com
are already delivering this model, and doing exceptionally
well. As with utility computing, in the ASP model software
is delivered to the customer as a service, hosted on
a central server by the vendor, and customers pay for
the value they access over the network. Whether the
software underpinning the service is IP or open source
becomes irrelevant.
One additional benefit to customers, in either the
utility or ASP models, is that they no longer need to
worry about SCO-like lawsuits. Why? Because they would
not actually be in possession of code in source or binary
format. The vendor might still be in violation of IP
infringement but the customer would not be. Given this
benefit, let us hope that the Free
Software Foundation does not short-sightedly "close
the ASP loophole", as they are reportedly planning
to do with version 3.0 of the GPL. Closing this so-called
loophole would benefit proprietary interests like SCO;
it would not advance the FSF's cause of freedom in code.
These two emerging models for software both enable
software companies to continue to deliver value to customers
and get paid for it. Many more models are possible but
will not be discovered by fixating on forcing customers
into outdated business models.
Interestingly, at least one obvious model for entertainment
has already been suggested for software: the utility
model. Each month, I pay money to the cable utility
(for broadband and CATV access), the phone utility,
and the electric utility. Why could I not also pay the
entertainment utility?
The easiest way to administer this would be to add
a flat rate to the ISP bill, perhaps US $5.95 per month.
That sum would then be divvied up between the ISP and
the entertainment industry, parceled out in a manner
similar to the way ASCAP works. If the utility wanted
to charge in a more accurate and granular fashion, the
ISP could charge according to data usage. (To get really
granular, one could also envision a pay-per-file methodology
whereby each .mp3 or .mpg would be charged against a
user's account. The technology for metering such usage
is already available.)
This utility model would completely eliminate the
piracy problem, because consumers simply could not evade
the fees, absent burning the songs onto physical media
and mailing them. To the extent that such an option
is politically impossible for ISPs (because they would
lose customers to non-compliant ISPs that do not charge
the data fees), the ISPs could lobby Congress for legislation
that mandates their compliance. My own feeling is that
there would not be much customer churn; consumers generally
are not going to chafe at the idea of paying (remember:
it is the mode of payment that currently keeps most
from paying, and not the idea of paying), and will not
want to lose an email address simply in the name of
Another option is to allow users to bill downloads
to their cellular phones. Again, the idea is to make
payment seamless, so that the consumer is focused on
enjoying the art and not the act of payment. If he's
online, the user simply types in his phone number (with
some additional added security to prevent unauthorized
charging of downloads to a third-party account), and
gets the music (with the cell phone company managing
payment to the record or movie label on the back end).
If he's offline but using his cell phone, I can envision
Johnny sending Jane a download of Audioslave's newest
"love song", routing it to her IP address
for immediate download the next time she logs on to
her computer.
Or perhaps the answer is much more mundane: advertising.
It has worked for television - why not for MP3 and DIVX
This is not an exhaustive list of possible solutions
to the payment problem inherent in Open Source software
and digital media piracy. Smarter people than I will
innovate these models. The point is that neither industry
will ever discover these models by looking backward.
Innovation around access to great new technology has
outpaced innovation around payment for that technology,
but this is a momentary lag, one that the software and
entertainment industries will resolve by focusing on
payment, rather than property. Let's look forward.