When I read articles about the super-cycle commodity boom (see below), I can't help recalling the glory days of the 1960s and 1970s when it was nigh impossible as anything in economic life to avoid making a fortune by playing the stock market in commodities in Australia.
You had to be a real expert - you had to have all the academic gloss as well as all the model-making, chart-creation and other clever tools of our guru economic culture - actually to lose money by trading in commodities in Australia at that time.
I remember how much money - even going back into the 1950s - you could make by following reports that Joe Blow and Company were looking for something. Even if they never found anything - and a whole lot of them never did - you could make a fortune just by buying a few shares in some “penny dreadful” and then waiting for everyone to line up behind you buying them too. The only clever part was getting out a short head in advance of the mob as they headed for the exits.
One of the books that I read most avidly at that time - along with millions of other avid readers - was called The Limits to Growth. There will be some who still remember it and - as I do - rather vaguely recall what it said, that is, what it said in 1973.
Its essence was that there was only so much of every vital commodity in the world. I don't remember that it said that this was so much the case that we would shortly have to find another accommodating planet to live on if the human race were to survive. But someone else did say that in a book I read a few years later. (Sadly, I forget what that one was called now; but its warning should always be borne in mind. Other accommodating planets are terribly hard to find!)
The Limits to Growth was not optimistic - at least I don't remember that it lifted my spirits at the time. Once, I recall I was re-reading it on the way to an OECD Ministerial Meeting held in Paris in 1974 - it was almost part of the set curriculum for any such meeting in those days - and it didn't improve my mood for what, at the best of times, is a pretty long and tiring flight between Canberra and Paris.
However, the good news was that the shortage of commodities was making Australia rich - and the projected even greater shortage deriving from the limits to growth, would make us even richer. We were really on to a good thing. The "Lucky Country" was going to get even luckier as the years rolled by.
Then came the bust which lasted a long, long time. Australian governments made a lot of mistakes so it would be churlish of me to blame the less heady days, especially after the mid-1980s, solely on the collapse of the commodities boom. Our own treasurer, a man whom the years have identified ever more clearly as one of the more foolish of our democratic leaders, declared over the radio, as I drove through the heart of Canberra one day in 1985 or 1986, that we were well on the way to becoming a "Banana Republic".
We never sank to quite that nadir in our economic fortunes; but the commodities bust, combined with the penchant for error of virtually all democratic governments, on almost everything economic, made the quarter century after 1980 pretty challenging. We never did become quite a "Banana Republic" and, after a time, we became used to being only a moderately prosperous member of the wealthiest club within the planet's establishment. We began to think we were doing well - in some of the later 1990s, for example - not because we were relatively as well off as we had been in the late 1960s, but because we were less miserable than we had been in the earlier 1990s.
That demonstrates again, I suppose, that the real test of contentment derives not from satisfaction with your position on the rung of the ladder on which you stand at the moment but whether you think you're going up or going down.
In most of the quarter century after 1980, the Australian dollar took a pasting - even as compared with the American dollar which itself didn't do too well over long stretches after 1980. At one stage, the Australian dollar even slipped below 50 US cents and it languished for a long while at a value not much more than half a US dollar or just over 60 cents. (For comparison or by contrast, it now seems headed for 90 cents.) Its standing against other currencies - the major European currencies, the Euro when it was launched, the yen, the Tiger currencies and several others - sank, in some instances, to a third or a quarter of what it had been in the years of glory that belonged to the period within which The Limits to Growth was published.
And now we've reached a new and different phase in the cycle. After the years of plunge and scraping along the bottom, we're swinging up, up and up again. Now it is said that:
China is building at a rate of one new city the size of Detroit every few months and its farming acreage has fallen from 300 million acres to 200 million acres in the last ten years. As a result of this and its huge levels of exports it has transformed demand for base metals and minerals since 2002. During that time the price of nickel, which is used in the manufacture of stainless steel, has risen from US$8,340/tonne to US$41,300/tonne and copper, for electrical goods and cables, has shot up from US$1,690/tonne to US$7,470/tonne. Proof that these prices will not fall back to earlier levels is writ large in Rio Tinto’s recent decision to bid for Alcan, Norilsk Nickel’s acquisition of LionOre Mining International and Xstrata’s purchase of Falconbridge.
It's not only China but India and of course, Japan and those Asian Tigers which, in the shadow of the Indo-Chinese giants we've almost forgotten these days, who are also worrying away at The Limits to Growth.
Australia has whole mountains of high-class iron ore, masses of nickel, copper, uranium and coal, loads of bauxite and all the rest. When we don't have a drought, we can produce masses of food to fill millions more stomachs which, it would seem, their owners will be able to afford to fill, if not right now, then in the months and years immediately ahead.
Modern Australia was built on commodities, and one commodity in particular in the early years - gold. In 1850, after 62 years of European settlement, the population - not counting Aborigines - was only about 400,000. Then in 1851, we found gold and a million new settlers were wielding picks and shovels on the goldfields - or selling picks to some people and buying shovels from others - in the next year or two. Today's second greatest Australian city, Melbourne, was built on gold.
Now perhaps it is all happening again. Even the gold is still there to be mined and could bring in a lot more than today's $US680 an ounce even before this coming Christmas. Indeed, it could be your number one Christmas present to yourself and others. You can buy bars of it from the Mint in Perth any time you are so disposed. What new great city will we build when gold reaches $US2,000 an ounce - or $US5,000 - and nickel hits $US50,000 or 60,000 a tonne?
It will all be like old times. Just as in the 1960s, we won't need any leaders - political, economic, financial - who are "savvy" in anything. The dumbest of leaders will look good.
At the same time, for those of us who have a longer perspective, it will be comforting if we have some influential people who see things beyond a decade or two or a generation or two. The China/India/Tiger phenomenon will not last forever. Indeed, the self-destructive policies of the United States - and of Australia as a sort of little-brother, sidecar passenger - seem to be already reaching a point at which they will demand their penalties, not only for the United States but, to some extent at least, for all of us.
Further on, it is not only "climate change" and "global warming" - however we define them and however they may be caused - but even most importantly The Limits to Growth to which we must pay attention.
The world population has been increasing, not everywhere but in many countries, at a terrifying rate. We're six billion now and forever rising. Fertile land is short and what we have we may have been using in a recklessly profligate fashion. Oil may be "peaking" and water, the most vital resource of all, is short almost everywhere. Water is set to become ever more desperately short as the global population expands and "civilisations" everywhere make more and more demands on supplies which are limited by depending on no more than "what comes naturally". Like most other problems, the water shortage can be solved but we need to be brisk about it if we're to avoid the devastating conflicts which shortage of vital materials tends to provoke.
So, as a rough and ready conclusion, I don't want to be alarmist but while countries like Australia might - just might - be about to return to their glory days, we still haven't found another planet to which some of us might migrate when we've surpassed the limits to what this one is able to provide.