The recent spate of corporate collapses
has produced extreme nervousness in financial
markets. Pundits have likened the situation
to that in 1929 and the US President has
been led to speak out in support of the
enforcement of higher standards of corporate
governance. Ironically this occurs at
a time when companies as never before
have been engaged in the production of
ethical paraphernalia - codes of ethical
conduct, social audits, environmental
The collapse of Enron (paradigm of ethical
management in textbooks) and WorldCom (brave
'new economy' company) support the cynical conviction
that the production of all this ethical
bumpf is nothing more nor less than part
of a marketing strategy. Unenforceable
company codes of conduct will never be
effective in a competitive market place.
The benefits of cheating - for those who
do not get caught - will always dominate
the strategy of ethically proper behaviour.
As one old-timer said to me: "The
line between a knighthood and a jail sentence
is a very fine one." In fiercely
competitive modern markets this is true
a fortiori.
The market is nervous not simply because
companies have failed, nor even that they
have attempted to present themselves as
solvent long after the point of insolvency.
What is particularly threatening in the
current crisis is that auditors have effectively
colluded with corporations to deceive
We have all heard the joke about the
CEO who calls his accountant in to his
office and asks: "What is two plus
two?" The accountant nervously closes
the door, lowers the blinds and asks in
whispered tones: "What do you want
it to be?" The modern corporation
is an effective autarchy in which the
CEO has virtually untrammelled power,
at least until the company gets into such
trouble that he is fired. His successor
immediately assumes similar powers, which
he uses to fire his predecessor's key
supporters and external advisors, to replace
them by people and advisory groups loyal
to himself. Is it surprising that accountants
and auditors are easily suborned?
Much attention has been focussed on the
Andersen Group. However the level of nervousness
in the market far exceeds what would be
appropriate if the investment community
saw Andersen's practices as falling clearly
outside the norms of accepted auditing
practice. What the investment community
suspects, of course, is that Andersen's
behaviour is not so very different from
the behaviour of its competitors. It is
this fact that has produced the current
crisis of confidence.
While George Bush is promising to take
steps to ensure that corporations produce
accurate reports concerning their financial
status on the Australian scene Professor
Allen Fels is seeking to have the penalties
imposed on corporate wrongdoers increased.
One part of Fels's strategy is to increase
the financial penalties imposed on businesses,
the other to increase those penalties
faced by individual directors.
Given the current crisis facing the capitalist
system such moves may appear attractive.
But the purpose of business regulation
is not solely or even primarily to prevent
wrongdoing. In a globalised economy companies,
countries and individuals compete for
scarce resources in a myriad of ways.
The Australian regulatory framework is
effectively in competition with the regulatory
framework as is exists in Singapore, the
USA, China and Nigeria. Similarly our
tax system competes with tax systems of
other nations.
What Australia needs is a competitive
regulatory environment. While serious
corporate wrong-doing must clearly be
discouraged it has to be recognised that
too much regulation can be as bad as too
little. Far better to have a dynamic economy
where some misdemeanours go unpunished
than a stagnant one where every wrong-doer
is brought to justice.
Of course none of this answers specifically
what would constitute an optimal level
of corporate regulation within Australia.
What we do know however is that corporate
failure is already treated far more seriously
here than in the United States and Australian
company directors already face more serious
consequences for misconduct than their
peers in most other nations. If we want
to keep our regulatory framework internationally
competitive the answer must lie somewhere
other than in raising penalties for misconduct.
An alternative to harsher penalties is
to look for ways of increasing the probability
of earlier detection of financial crises.
A model for this already exists in the
life insurance industry. Within each life
insurance company there is the position
of Appointed Actuary. The Appointed Actuary
has the legal responsibility (as does
the auditor) of reporting to the regulator
(in this case APRA) on the company's financial
state of health. The model seems to have
worked tolerably well in preventing corporate
collapse within the life industry and
has recently been extended to General
Insurance, unfortunately after several
horses have bolted.
My proposal is that this model be extended
to listed companies generally. This would
require the Chief Financial Officer having
the same kind of legal obligation to report
to the relevant regulator as the Appointed
Actuary has in the insurance industry.
As well as raising the probability of
early detection, this reform would have
the additional benefit of reducing the
untrammelled power of the CEO.
Auditors could be subject to similar
controls. One of the partners in Audit
firms could be required to have the responsibility
of reporting to APRA in respect of the
veracity of the audits done by the partnership.
My proposal effectively puts a 'chink
in the chain of command.' CEOs may not
like it, but it is the CEO's overwhelming
power that has been the problem in many
of the recent scandals. There is a good
reason for separation of powers in any
system of governance, and my proposal
codifies this in the case of listed companies
in Australia. This proposal would be more
effective - involving as it does additional
checks and balances - than ASIC's new
regulation (effective from August 15)
that Chairmen must personally sign off
on the accounts. Any CEO worth his salt
is perfectly capable of controlling the
information flow to the non-executive
directors (including the Chairman) on
his board. It is well nigh impossible
to hoodwink one's CFO in respect of the
relevant matters. Good governance involves
a separation of powers and the latter
requires breaking the chain of command
at the right point and in the right way.
There will always be some business failures
within a dynamic economy. The challenge
of regulation is to prevent excessive
corporate wrongdoing. The sure sign that
it is excessive is when, as is currently
the case, confidence in the markets takes
a serious tumble. To restore confidence
investors will need to be first and foremost
reassured that the financial reports of
companies are indeed an accurate assessment
of the company's financial state of health.
The simple reform proposed here would
do much to improve the honesty of Australian
Company reports without imposing a further
competitive disadvantage on Australia's
Companies in a fiercely competitive global
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