Women and their questions can be a frightening experience. Sitting there with TV remote in hand, defenceless, when suddenly you cop a “Don’t you love me, honey?”
Later, you may react slowly to news that a friend has breast cancer. A major inquiry follows to ascertain if you can in fact feel anything.
Women are intuitive - can’t they figure these things out themselves!
New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd is in Australia this week to further scare and confound. She has a new book posing the quintessential query for the sexes: Are Men Necessary?
This is one sassy woman. George W. Bush refers to her as the Cobra. She’s attractive well before you glimpse her photo on the ’net. Though single, she wreaks of a femininity that’s unaffected by the kind of frankness typical of more embittered types.
Maureen Dowd also believes feminism a hoax, lasting a measly nanosecond while the reprisals linger on 40 years later.
Interestingly, there’s a response to this which men often overlook. They presume feminism is really concerned with women. We are too gun shy to ask if women’s "lib" is actually all about us.
If this were true, of course, women would never admit to it because it would only deepen their dilemma. Why fess up that it’s actually to do with us when what women wish to remedy is that glorious self-centredness hard-wired into every male psyche?
The cool Ms Dowd is true to form. She clearly believes men have a vital and unique role to play for her and other females, yet she clinically chastises us for believing as much.
She feigns girlish bewilderment, with the dustcover of her book announcing she is “as baffled as the next woman” when it comes to men. Yet the perky prose within ably accounts for the “flighty, spendthrift and emotionally liable” state of Western manhood.
Her girlfriends rant that men just want a partner to steer them from the edge of the earth. Obligingly, she tries to guide men to the radical idea that feminism is just another of life’s ironies - accepting equality between the sexes is the only way to capitalise on our fundamental differences.
Alas, all this is too subtle for us blokes. We debate the merit of her claims rather than reform ourselves. Some sad bloke has even created www.idisagreewithmaureendowd.com!
We don’t think to look upon feminism as an opportunity to give up the burden of all we have objectified and tried to control for the last few millennia. Instead, our competitiveness prevails.
Muddled men are now resorting to women as a benchmark for defining themselves. Metrosexuals. Diva fits. Believing sensitivity a greater virtue than truth. Poor Maureen even fears some may soon be asking her for Midol - a popular PMT treatment in the US.
Men are relinquishing their purpose just when it needs to be asserted. Instead of abandoning incomplete definitions based on looks, affluence or ideology, we hang on to them more tightly. We gravitate to misogyny, try to placate women by being effeminate or just lamely expect they will do the job on our behalf (and hopefully fail).
As Maureen explains, the traditional masculine exploits are being “Oprahized, turned into mawkish soap operas and personal sagas of redemption instead of mere muscular, gladiatorial contests”.
Frustrated, women are trashing all that men cherish - including, very often, themselves.
“I feel a certain undeniable pride that women have taken control of the two pre-eminent male preserves of America - politics and sport - and ruined them”, she brags at the end of the first chapter, How to set your bear trap in the mink department of Bergdorf’s.
Annoyed, we men just love parlaying our misunderstanding.
Listen up fellas: women don’t really want to be men - except “in the way they often grow more attractive and powerful with age”. Nor is their demand to make it in our world about themselves or a way of proving something, like we often do.
Equality is not about them - it’s about us and our willingness to pigeon-hole ourselves.
Of course feminism’s a sham. After a moment of indulgence, it was always going to be about helping men overcome their fears - not the other way around.
Maybe … just maybe, women are threatening only because we fear letting go of the dependencies they already know we cling to. And emasculating our heroes and great institutions was never their preferred option.
So, are men necessary?
Don’t be fooled guys. Maureen Dowd already knows the answer - as does your wife, mother and little sister (most likely), though they won’t let on.
The trick question - like all the others women hit us with - is only posed as a measure of our own fearless self-belief. And it’s time we stopped blaming them when we fail the test.