This speech has been written off the research. It is "spin doctoring" if you like but a politician who could make this speech and believe it would be a truly great politician, and would do well this election, and all things being equal, win the next. It answers all of the negatives, and it takes the attack to Bob Carr but in a very humble way.
It acknowledges the fact that people think Brogden is young and inexperienced but also acknowledges their growing feeling that he has matured during the campaign. It also acknowledges that Carr will win. By acknowledging this Brogden looks and is honest, and people will warm to him because he agrees with them. It stamps him as being a tough politician because he is prepared to tell the truth which counters the young and inexperienced problem.
At the same time it plays on the negatives about Carr: that he has been in a long time and has a second rate team and gives them a reason that they will accept for voting for someone other than Labor - keeping Carr under control.
The appearance that the spin doctors are in control (which is a negative for both sides in this contest) is also broken.
To make this speech you would need to overcome a lot of institutional impediments, as well as staking a lot on your view of the future being right.
Few politicians in Australia's history could have given it. Rob Borbidge came close in producing the "Queensland Effect" and I am sure that Peter Beattie could do it.
Yes, John Brogden needed a miracle to win this election but other Christian thinking might have helped out even more. When it comes to politics, it never hurts to be humble. The strategy that I have outlined could be summed up by the phrase "But many who are first will be last, and the last first".
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