If there is one single lesson to be learned
from the current breakdown in international
relations it is that we can longer afford
incompetent political leadership. If the
best solution to the perceived problem
of one small nation's leadership is to
spend multi-billions of dollars to kill
unknown thousands of innocent women and
children and luckless conscripts, then
our leaders have failed. In the age of
cheap nuclear weapons, super-diseases
(invented and natural), out-of-control
climate change and growing cultural tension,
as a nation and as a species we need to
be led by men and women who know what
they are doing.
I have argued that the world is in
the early stages of a basic shift in the
way things are done. There are new ideas
and practices emerging that together make
up a new paradigm of social development.
I also pointed out that this change would
dramatically affect politics everywhere,
especially in the developed countries
like Australia.
There is a decidedly dangerous side
to this paradigm shift. We are increasingly
one global society, so everything is interconnected.
Furthermore, we are creating new technologies
of awesome capability. Because of this,
incredibly potent but increasingly cheap
weapons of mass destruction (WMD) are
being built. Our interconnectedness means
that all actions now have global ramifications
(note how a war in Iraq has been sending
the global stock markets up and down like
a yoyo).
So the stakes have never been higher.
If our leaders get it wrong, general wellbeing,
civilisation and species survival itself
are all at risk. In the past a bad leader
could set back a people or nation years,
maybe even decades, destroy cities and
cause local environmental destruction.
Now, if even one leader of a decent sized
country (like Australia) or large power
(like the UK) or in particular the most
powerful nation makes a serious mistake
it can have implications for everyone
on the planet.
The condition of international political
leadership currently is appalling. Most
world leaders belong in jail and govern
completely corrupt and undemocratic political
regimes. Their leadership is mostly built
on violence, extreme wealth, or knowing
where the bodies - literal and metaphorical
- are buried. Saddam Hussein was a particularly
nasty case but there have been numerous
leaders of his ilk since the end of the
war and many remain in power. Whether
such leaders rule through open dictatorship
or through some semi-legitimate mechanism,
such as leadership of a dominant tribal
group, their rule is always repressive
and ultimately built on violence. The
most important quality such men (always
men) must have is to be more ruthless
than anyone else. Some intelligence is
useful but any sort of deeper humane values
or capacity to see different sides is
utterly disastrous for political success.
It is easy to look askance at the bevy
of thugs and toadies that rule a number
of benighted countries as despots but
political leadership in the developed
world is often little better. These men
and occasionally women got where they
are through possessing two main abilities
- acceptance by party bosses and toleration
by the mass media. Generally speaking,
ruthlessness and a capacity to lie and
deceive are necessary traits (even when
one gets the job because of dynastic connections)
and of course it helps if you or your
friends own the local media.
Take for example the Anglo-Saxon brotherhood
that went to war against Iraq. John Howard
might be a long-serving leader but no
one seriously thinks he has led Australia
well in what will be seen as a pivotal
time. He has simply refused to confront
issues like climate change, salination,
Aboriginal reconciliation, drug abuse
and social alienation. His decisions on
national security, industrial relations,
health care, education and welfare are
all overtly ideologically driven and made
with minimal consultation. Instead of
true leadership he has doggedly followed
the most simplistic economic agenda and
mobilised the worst national traits of
xenophobia, racism and cultural chauvinism
to run Australia like some overeager US
Tony Blair is the saddest case, a man
brought undone by his own success. His
obvious intelligence and communication
skills have been undermined by the cynicism
generated by his constant spin-doctoring
and more recently by his servile approach
to the Bush administration's adventurism.
He has had to recreate the Labour Party
to install New Labour. But there is entrenched
enmity to Blair within Labour, and his
subservience to Bush may be the catalyst
that does him in.
As for the American president, many
rate him the worst president in US history
(and that's saying something!). The combination
of his personal ineptitude, his political
stridency and current US importance makes
of his presidency a real historical tragedy.
Indeed, the whole American political
system at the national level is in crisis,
totally dominated as it is by moneyed
interests and essentially the preserve
of a dozen or so core familial networks.
Congress is effectively neutered by the
depredations of pork-barrel politics and
most political power in the US has shifted
to the presidency. The last presidential
election - between the son of an ex-president
and a scion of the southern Democrats;
and decided by the brother of one of the
candidates and the Supreme Court - should
have been a warning that American national
politics is now far too impacted to be
genuinely representative of any real democratic
The people of the world as a whole need
more than the nonentities foisted on them
by cynical party bosses and kept in power
by a mass media that refuses to ask hard
questions. Every now and then a real leader
- like Nelson Mandela - does arise but
he was literally freed from jail by a
mass movement that convulsed the whole
country. We urgently need practices and
structures that promote such people -
with vision, integrity and intelligence
- as a matter of course.
As we travel through the list of world
leaders, the good ones stand out due to
their rarity. For various reasons we are
no closer to genuine global democracy
that when the idea became popular in the
late 19th century but we can at least
ask more of our political leaders. In
a time of growing danger, incompetent
leadership is just not affordable any