Of course, huge as its reconstruction
needs undoubtedly are, Iraq cannot provide
an adequate stimulus for the whole of
the tottering world economy. But can it
provide a model?
If the world's governments can come together
to formulate and implement programs of
reconstruction for Iraq, that can serve
as a smaller-scale exercise for a worldwide
effort to bring public and private enterprise
and investment together in sound, mutually-agreed
programs that can abolish chronic poverty
everywhere, while at the same time turning
back the momentum towards deep cyclical
poverty that is now such a grave threat
to the world economy.
That was - and is - the objective of
the Initiative for Victory
Over Want (VOW). That Initiative was
founded on the realistic conviction that
governments did not then have the will
to formulate and implement international
programs substantially to reduce or eliminate
world poverty. Direct democratic action
was therefore envisaged as necessary to
achieve it.
If the Iraqi situation and the gathering
economic storm might now be caused to
stimulate the will of governments to act
and to do so urgently, that would be a
wondrous flower of peace and prosperity
that we might pluck from the terrifying
nettle of Iraq.
There are and will be meetings of the
Group of Seven, the World Bank and IMF,
the OECD and, of course, the United Nations,
going on all the time. Routine or ad hoc
meetings will be held among the major
powers - France, Germany and Russia and
these three, no doubt, with the United
States and Britain. The Arab countries
will be meeting and the Asian countries,
in their various routines or specialities
of bilateral and multilateral consultation.
On the agenda of all these meetings in
the days, weeks and months ahead, a prominent
item should be how to turn back the rush
to catastrophic conflict and economic
collapse, so that we can institute, instead,
a grand and imaginative program to bring
together all countries, races and religious
groups in an enterprise of rescue and
revival for us all.
If this were done, it would, inter alia,
ensure that the tarnished page in human
history that President Bush of the United
States, Prime Minister Blair of Britain
and Prime Minister Howard of Australia
are now likely to fill, will become, instead,
a page bearing witness to the vision that
they were able to display at one of the
most crucial moments in human history.
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