On truthy ABC recently, Labor's Health Minister derided an embattled dad-renter. We're "working very hard" he smirked, to reduce immigration and "build more houses".
In fact, Labor platform (para 85) buried Albanese's radical population-agenda. In successive Budgets, his Treasury has lied about immigration targets, by 50% and more. To gay applause from the top 20%, his 1.3 million tops Kevin Rudd's record by an improbable half-million.
Icing the cake, Albo signed amateur-hour qualifications and migration compacts with sectarian India. These lopsided dealswouldn't have proceeded in Bob Hawke's day. Today's power-elite loves it, notably the Coalition. To query it would be racist.
Lying about cheaper energy, Labor platform didn't "solve housing crisis" either. Hence their housingagenda, accord, council, fund, target, and schedule, for an "aspirational" build of 1.2 million homes over 2024-29. It's never happening. Even if it did, that wouldn't accelerate housing affordability. Not while the relentless population growth and juicy tax breaks remain.
Again, Labor energy-policy hinges on net-zero. But our physical emissions won't reallyhave fallen 43% by 2030. The bipartisan safeguardmechanism is a crock.
In Treasury agitprop, fake net-zero promotes Australia to globally-envied energy superpowerin the UN net-zero transformation stream. Among ordinary voters however, energy prices creep ever higher, abated by "free" energy-relief.
Though Labor's environment platform ticked boxes, population growth is off the scale, disregarding land clearing, habitat destruction, native-forest logging, water profligacy, and species extinctions/invasions. Maybe the net-zero pilgrimage is paved with coal.
That funding-settlement favouring church-schools is Coalition-Labor concordat. Bishops, imams, rabbis, all can breathe easy, irrespective of the election outcome. While Labor, like the Coalition, evinces little interest in broadening the tax base.
Pauline Hanson One Nation, Sustainable Australia Party
PHON has a couple of federal senators, though voting for this party is deemed racist. They used to advocate net-zeromigration, backpedallingto 130,000 migration-visas annually. Yep, like Dutton, Hanson has wobbled.
SAP was once Sustainable Population Party. Like nearly all environmentally concerned groups, they've gone woke. Desirous of low migration (70,000 net) but alsonet-zero 2035.
Teals et al
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