Nor is it any secret, our tax system panders to corporations and resources. System leverages real-estate speculation, leaving wage-earners marooned by post-1970s bracket-creep.
What about broadening taxes on resources, land, and consumption? Sorry Ken Henry, booklet stays mum. Supposedly, voters get "lower, simpler and fairer" taxes.
Life being a box of chocolates, Greens retail 47 policyflavours. Their special sauce for Economic Justiceis UN gobbledegook of "net negative global carbon economy". Immigrationpolicy too is boilerplate UN. Citizens – who largely rejectmass migration – get no say.
Trust Greens to find harshness, in Labor's world-level open-borders blitz. Which they somehow construe as a vile migrant-bashing race to the bottom.
Anything less than 300,000 per annum is demonic racism. Relating housing to population is an unacceptable premise. Cue Housing and Homelessnesspolicy. "Free" government-money would generate perpetual supplies of eco-friendly public and rental housing.
But Greens are pro-environment, right? Actually, as early as 1998, they denied the effects of population on environment, deeming that line to be racist. Today, their fully-woke Environmentalpolicy trumpets global citizenship and global warming.
Top 20% embraces UN climate-action net-zero groupthink. But trust Greens, to go the extra mile. As with the pixies at Climate Council and ANU-ICEDS, net-zero 2050 isn't exotic enough. It ought to be 2035.
Greens favourstate schools, if not contesting the church-schools funding. Arguably, their soak-the-rich tax policieshave merit, but these wouldn't be supported by Liberal or Labor.
Mate, if Labor even has a plain spun policy prospectus, you'll have to wait. Meantime, let's patronise voters with brief linesof website motherhood and 170 pages of platform motherhood.
How "lucky" are voters, enjoyingthree years of lower inflation, moving wages, tax cuts, and energy relief. In his second term, Anthony Albanese will…zzz…zzz.
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