We need to learn from wild populations – they get disease too, and the weakest die but the herd survives and becomes stronger.
Look at wildlife crowded around the shrinking polluted water holes at the end of a dry season in the Serengeti grasslands in Southern Africa. There can be hundreds of animals and many species all drinking from contaminated puddles of water and all adding their germs to the muddy soup via their solid and liquid wastes. All "germs" get well spread around - the weak may die but the fittest survive and pass their genes to the next generation. Herd immunity is strengthened without the pain of a single vaccine needle or the scorched earth policy of the bureaucrats (they would surround the waterhole, shoot every animal and then have a huge bonfire).
Our grandparents understood the value of natural vaccination – long before we had artificial vaccines, chickenpox parties were valued as a way to get a child protected from chickenpox at an age when the infection is ordinarily less severe.
There are some who believe that the human population needs a Nongquase solution. Prince Phillip of England said:
In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.
To facilitate their population control they need to herd us into "smart cities", keep electronic track of us via smart phones, reduce our food supplies and limit our access to land, energy and water. Their latest abomination? – using mosquitos to vaccinate humans.
The spirit of Nongqause was rediscovered by China's Deng Xiaoping who introduced their one-child policy. It was strictly enforced with fines for violators and often forced abortions. People risked losing their jobs if they were found to have had more than one child. But, as always, there were unintended consequences – Chinese parents made sure that their one child was a boy to look after them in their old age. Suddenly China had a generation of angry lonely young men unable to find a wife. So that policy was scrapped.
Britain's King Charles probably supports Deng and Nongquase. He said once:
Population growth must be halted if the world is to live within "nature's benevolence and bounty.
The bureaucracy is forever seeking ways to identify, keep track of and vaccinate every one of us and our animals.
They love electronic tracking – electronic ear tags are already compulsory for Australian cattle and from now on all new sheep and goat offspring must also get their electronic tag.
Covid tracking and vaccination was a test run to see how far they could go. Soon they will use 4G to tag and track every human and electronic car controls will limit travel. Only the privileged with be allowed to travel outside their zone. Smart meters will ration energy, and controls on food and water will soon follow.
Nongqause dreamed a dream and most of her tribe died.
"Net Zero" is today's apocalyptic dream articulated by Al Gore (today's disciple of Nongquase) and his loyal Australian disciple, Chris Bowen. Their impossible dream is to power the modern world with green energy. How many people need to die before they are content?
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