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How can the resistance ever counter, Copacabana Albanese's 1.5m migrants?

By Stephen Saunders - posted Monday, 28 October 2024

Democracy seems futile, up against Huge Australia. Not even "extraordinary developments" are likely to budge this Albo-tross. What other tactics are available?

Scorning voters, dismissing evidence, the "stakeholders" uphold Copacabana Albanese's third-world low-productivity 80% population-replacement program.

I've predicted, mega migration will persist, irrespective of Election 2025. Only extraordinary developments could begin to arrest it.


This poses grave challenges, for the outflanked resistance.

Huge Australia rests on Orwellian lies

Neither the GFC nor COVID dented Big Australia.

Indeed, the COVID migration-freeze presented the excuse, for Huge Australia. Now we're 50% "migrant origin" and going backwards economically.

Tough luck, if voters didn't want massive migration reboot.

ABC immigration-celebrities Abul Rizvi and Liz Allen disseminate government-preferred "facts". Entrepreneur Matt Barrie's wide-ranging research cuts no ice.

Labor's new Immigration Minister spruiks his vacuous "plan" for productivity "growth". Juicing Labor's double-speak Migration Strategy while ignoring their immigration deluge.


As Albanese warns of misinformation and disinformation, hyping social media threats.

Democratic process can't stop Huge Australia

Population porkies underpinned the 2005-2020 Big Australia surge:

Migration nation, ageing population, skill shortages, visa backlogs, economic bonanza, congestion-busting and decentralisation, population doesn't affect environment or emissions. By ABC decree, low migration is racist.

The Coalition government reopened the border December 2021. For the seven months to mid 2022, they targeted 200,000 "migrant worker" arrivals.

Tame, eh? Labor's 2022-25 term will approach 1.5 million in net-migration. For this 80% level of population replacement, the porkies have had to be turbocharged:

Mega migration is not government policy, just catching up for COVID, lower than the Coalition. Look over here, at our budget repair, inflation fighting, "million" jobs, "growing" wages, cost-of-living "relief", housing accord, net zero "transformation".

Chief liar Jim Chalmers has had deputy liar Clare O'Neil at Home Affairs. Her "Australian values" required "truckloads" of immigration's "special sauce". Simultaneously, she'd "halve" migration, fixing a "broken" system.

On her visa watch, net migration nudged one million in two years. Doubling, Chalmers' counterfeit Treasury estimates. Pouring accelerant, on housing crisis.

What to do? Astonishingly, Albanese switched this "future leader" onto Housing and Homelessness.

Instantly, she was about housing "delivery, delivery, delivery" with "exactly the kind of policy" voters want. More lies.

By Treasury estimates, net migration will "fall" to 260,000 in 2024-25, then to 235,000, with population topping 40 million by 2062.

Extra lies. With Labor permitting 270,000 "international student commencements" for calendar 2025, net migration will go near 400,000 again in 2024-25.

Extraordinary developments won't stop it either

Who are these "stakeholders"? Yes, I do keep a list.

Highlighting: politicians, federal agencies, industry and developers, states and cities, economists and "planners", media, universities and unions, think tanks and lobby groups.

Their class groupthink revels in Open Borders and Net Zero. If undemocratic democracy can't stop Huge Australia, what could? I essayed this once before. Problem, these answers too, are long shots.

Stakeholder insurgency?

The logic goes, if stakeholders flipped, then Huge Australia would be untenable.

But the great majority of selfish stakeholders endorses the program, at any cost. Pushing back is a telephone-box of entrepreneurs, economists, media, academics, lobby groups.

It seems improbable, the stakeholder majority would flip. They have little concept, that voter wellbeing should come first.

Environmental disasters?

In case schoolkids miss the point, Australia's post-1788 environmental policy drives the national anthem. Imagining a "boundless" land of "golden" soils.

Topping Treasury's 40 million, Kevin Rudd wants 50. As do urban "planners". Water "planners" surrendered long ago.

Australia overcame COVID virus - but offered no resistance to Net Zero virus.

Far from addressing Australia's chronic environmental decline, Net Zero leapfrogs it.

We'll "science the shit" out of it, gushes CSIRO's Mission Lead. "Nature Positive and Net Zero", fibs Albanese's captured Environment Secretary.

With UN evangelism corrupting Australian science, there's even less hope, escalating environmental setbacks could quench Huge Australia.

Exceptional leaders?

One third of Perth stepped out, for John Curtin's 1945 funeral. Would today's Perth show that kind of respect, for an Albanese? The punchlines write themselves, don't they.

No 20th century Australia PM would've (could've) signed Albanese's treasonous immigration compacts with sectarian (BJP) India.

Putting Australians first has become a politician's joke. Party preselection prefers smug globalists and careerists.

French political scientist Julia Cagé suggested citizen democracy vouchers, parliamentary quotas for worker-candidates. Our comfy academics barely perceive the problem.

Don't hold your breath, for an exceptional leader to rescind Huge Australia.

Popular unrest?

Pre-federation, Australia's miners and unionists staged the occasional riot. After decades of tolerable divvies of earthly loot, unrest has become uncommon.

However, neo-liberalism and massive migration have shrivelled the fair go. Housing affordability is at a historic low, school funding flagrantly regressive.

When voters are scorned, it can feed into politics, or popular unrest.

Biden-Harris Open Borders is divisive. In the UK, horrific killings by a teen of Rwandan origin triggered riots. BBC blamed racism, not the Tory immigration deluge, post-Brexit.

Yet net migration into metropolitan France (population 66 million) is lower than that into Australia (27 million). Overseas born are only 10%, compared with our 30%.

Nevertheless, street demos over chronic inequality and discrimination are common. Summer 2023 protests came on top of the gilets jaunes.

Australia, by contrast, has gone woke. Rather than protesting Open Borders or school segregation, youth/green movements agitate for "climate action".

International pressure?

Some international environmental criticism is evident, over Australia's coal mining, Great Barrier Reef, native forest logging, or iconic native fauna.

EU threatened the Coalition government with carbon border-taxes, but the global north hailed "climate reformer" Albanese. Dictatorial UN bosses Australia – we might have to take "national populations" of "climate refugees". Albanese laps this up.

With Australia's environmentalists running the UN line, international pressure serves largely to increase - not reduce – our population load.

What can refuseniks do?

Our crazy 21st century sprint, from 19 million population to 27, was just the warmup. The push is on, for 8-10 million in each of Sydney and Melbourne, nigh on 4 million for Perth. Accommodation apartheid follows schooling apartheid.

If calamity concentrates the mind, what are "learnings" for the resistance?

Reject Albanese "Labor"

All politicians lie. UN Albanese's immigration onslaught, immigration lies, are a generational step-change. His reverse-racism isn't the same old Big Australia. He should go.

Peter Dutton lacks the venom, to wreak such vengeance on his own country. Even if he still backed the gas cartel, workers might get some relief from over-taxing and rampant immigration.

A minority Labor-Greens government won't help. Greens lend respectability, to Labor's fake immigration-housing "solutions".

Refuseniks working together

The refuseniks are a mixture of "left" and "right".

It's valuable, the more they know one another, share information, work together. This is a 100-year emergency.

If rare business figures like Gina Rinehart or Matt Barrie unequivocally reject Huge Australia, who cares if they are "controversial"? Acknowledge them.

Some elements of News Corp and Nine News push against Huge Australia. Other elements do the reverse. Deal with the complexity.

Document the evidence

Show selfish "stakeholders" once again, that enduring rental and homelessness crises are driven by mega migration. "More homes", they smirk. Warn them again, the driest continent is overpopulated. "Climate resilience", they smarm.

Voters are saner. In survey after survey, they reject Huge Australia.

Though information is not power, the sentinel resistance should keep up the evidence trail. Should the elite ever holler, if only we'd known - they sure did.

Save Australia first

Commonly, pro-migration stakeholders want to "save the planet" too. For our climate elite, Net Zero 2050 isn't flaky enough. Only Net Zero 2035 or Real Zero will do.

Key agencies (Greens, Australia Institute, ACF, Academy of Science) that once advocated lower population growth have fastidiously walked it back.

Some environmentalists favour low migration – if the mic's off.

Pressure should be directed at other "stakeholders". Especially universities and unions, states and cities, Treasury and Home Affairs. Which betray young Australians.

Save Australia first.

Naming and shaming

For Election 2025, lobbying Greens and Labor about Huge Australia is useless.

The last federal Election birthed Posh Teals. Even more elitist than Greens.

Liberals, however, have "promised" 160,000 net-migration. Only a smallish retreat, from Huge Australia, but remind them of it continually.

Sustainable Australia Party (70,000 permanent migrants annually) and One Nation (zero net migration) are the only noticeable parties unequivocally supporting low migration.

Especially at Elections, the resistance should identify and publicise those few parties and candidates that have openly declared for lower migration. And contrast the rest.

Subvert woke education

Facing declining chances of homes and families, younger Australians should be demanding Albanese's head.

Except they've been brainwashed - for Open Borders and Net Zero. Exhibit A: Greens housing hypocrite Max Chandler-Mather.

School (university) indoctrination for identity politics and "climate action" is enabled by copious teacher resources. The new national curriculum privileges UN climate dogma, though not enough, for some experts.

Young people and graduates are more disposed to "progressive" and Open Borders agendas. The (Labor) plan is, modify population to fit policy, not vice versa.

"Liberals" are reluctant to confront the educational coup. Remind them, young Australians need to know much more, about world and Australian overpopulation.


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About the Author

Stephen Saunders is a former APS public servant and consultant.

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