ABC might even yoke , the rental crisis to migration pressures.
But scan their everyday hand-wringing coverage of rental and housing crisis. Masking its prime causes – unprecedented and undemocratic levels of immigration:
As against annual population growth under 0.5% in the OECD bloc, Albanese's immigration (over 1.5%) and population-growth deluges (topping 2%) unduly punish voters.
Whilegovernment SBS lives and breathes, multicultural migration. Even less likely, to second-guess Treasury line.
Quietly, David Anderson was reappointed, ABC chief. He and his SBS equivalent command audiences of many millions.
Government networks massaging government spin. Might backfire, if Australian oppositions weren't so me too for mega migration.
Complaisant ANU and CSIRO – pushing "net zero".
ANU's our one university that's in effect federal, not state, or private.
Not saying, its new Vice-Chancellor would tailor the message. Think more, a natural confluence of educated-elite preferences. For yonks, Albanese's PM&C chief Glyn Davis headed University of Melbourne.
ANU demographers, economists, and climate specialists wield national clout. Superficially explaining away the unpopular population deluge. Playing up UN "net zero".
Similarly, CSIRO oversells net zero "industries". Contemplates fish populations, rather than human.
Public-service mega-migration spin - winning the war on voters.
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