Big news - Australia has become one of the world leaders when it comes to men suffering false allegations. Look at this fascinating newYouGov survey, involving 9,432 people across 8 countries. Australia came out as the worst country, after India, when people were asked if they had been falsely accused of abuse.

What's going on here? The answer is simple. It's the feminist capture of our family law system. The YouGov survey showed false accusations in Australia are more likely to be made as part of a child custody dispute than anywhere else in the world – they are 41% of such allegations in this country. Overall, the survey showed 80% of victims of false allegations in this country are male and almost a third (30%) of people surveyed know a victim of false allegations made in the last year.
For decades feminist ideologues have been manipulating the family law system by claiming that all women and THEIR children are at risk of attack by violent ex-partners. This sets the scene for women to make false violence allegations – a tactic which works a treat to give women control of the divorce process, denying men any real role in their children's lives. It's a brilliant ploy, which feminists have been systematically cementing in place.
Next month their ship will come in. Labor's draconian new family law bill will sail through the Senate, with the Greens joining forces with Labor to enshrine women's absolute power to use false allegations to destroy men's relationships with their children.
Having long been internationally celebrated for protecting the right of children to care from both divorced parents, this new Act will mean Australia will return to the grim days of mostly sole mother custody.
This is THE most significant social change in recent history, impacting millions of families across the country. For all the fuss about The Voice referendum and endless trans controversies, issues which directly affect only tiny numbers, this new bill will cause devastation to children across our community. Current estimates suggest there will be more than 300,000 family breakups involving children in the next decade. It is just astonishing that this is all passing unchallenged, indeed almost unnoticed.
Well, perhaps not. Given Australian feminists' brilliantly orchestrated march through our institutions, it shouldn't surprise me that these powerful ideologues have cowed most of our parliament and media into silence.
Silence that is, about the truth of what is happening here - which is nothing to do with the feminist narrative that the new bill is about keeping children safe. Their critical goal has been to set aside the many decades of international evidence showing it is harmful for children to grow up without dads. That was the message enshrined in the Howard government's landmark 2006 law act promoting joint parental responsibility. It was passed with bipartisan support and proved a real hit with the public - "overwhelmingly supported by parents, legal professionals, and family relationship service professionals," according to research by the Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Feminist scholars were determined to resist this recognition of dads' vital role in the family. They leapt into action pouring out articles claiming sharing care risked exposing children to violence.
This set the scene for Julia Gillard's proudly feminist government to remove the 2006 penalties for perjury and place violence accusations front and centre of decision-making about sharing of care of children. Her government also greatly expanded the definition of domestic "violence" to include emotional and psychological abuse, threatening behaviour, etc. – adding enormously to the list of families precluded from court-approved shared care.
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