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Call in the troops

By Bettina Arndt - posted Thursday, 30 March 2023

Talk about a meltdown. There was quite a reaction to Mothers of Sons' little event last weekend at Mark Speakman's local voting centre. The Liberal lackeys scurried around like headless chooks when they saw MOS mothers rolling out their large poster giving Speakman credit for draconian coercive control laws designed to send men to jail.

The young men reached for their mobiles and urgently nattered away, glaring at MOS's rows of coercive control bottles and the mums cheerfully handing out flyers to the queuing voters.

Soon the troops arrived. Uniformed council officers suddenly appeared on the scene, demanding the removal of the MOS stand and banner which they claimed weren't permitted on council land. Channel 7 turned up to film the event, but the glamorous young reporter ultimately toed the feminist line, tracking down an irate domestic violence spokesperson who claimed the MOS campaign was offensive. Yet the MOS video still made it onto prime-time news that night – see here.


Meanwhile, at the voting centre, hours of argy-bargy followed, phones at fifty paces, everyone filming everyone else, and various irate people fronting up to tell the MOS team that they had no right to be there. Ultimately the council officers admitted they couldn't stop flyers being handed out, and yes, there was no rule against MOS mums holding up the poster to keep it off council ground – see photos above. It was such a hoot!

Yet what was totally inspiring was the reaction of people receiving the flyers. There was a proportion who just weren't interested but also a solid core of men and women who eagerly took the MOS flyers and then, did the stories pour out. It was astonishing how many people had friends or relatives who'd faced false violence allegations, how often folk fervently confirmed women are just as likely as men to use coercive control. Some became quite emotional, thanking the MOS mums for what they were doing.

The lesson is, there's a receptive audience in our communities, eager to hear the truth about this vicious anti-male weaponry creeping into Australia's criminal laws. It's up to us all to make sure they hear it.

Calling male victims

Reaching that audience will require a strong grassroots campaign, given that most mainstream media is only interested in playing lapdogs to the feminist regime. The time is right, with the sisterhood suddenly aware that they have planted seeds of their own destruction. As I explained last week, the roll out of legislation is on hold in NSW, after women's groups took fright over the possibility their new prized coercive control laws could turn around to bite them. Suddenly there's a trickle of media stories warning of the dangers of "misidentification", where women are charged with coercive control instead of men.

We need to ensure that trickle turns into a flood. To make that happen, we can take our lead from the hugely successful domestic violence campaign which so effectively recruits women to see themselves as victims. Visit any woman's loo in Australia, and chances are the toilet door will be festooned with flyers urging women to seek help for a huge list of behaviour described as "domestic violence."

Now see this MOS flyer, designed for men to realise they too can be victims. It is purely educational, directing men to the MOS website where they'll find detailed information about how coercive control laws vary state by state, and what they can do to prepare themselves to take action – making complaints when coercive control becomes law, or protecting themselves from false allegations. We need to get that flyer out across Australia – and you can help. It is available in a downloadable form in the MOS resources section.


Knowledge is power

I strongly urge everyone reading this to make time to go through the detailed information about real story of coercive control, now up on the MOS website. It was a huge labour of love, taking months of effort from many people to put this collection of documents together. We don't think there is anywhere else which collates all the background and research showing exactly how justice systems have been manipulated to introduce this fearsome weapon targeting men.

Spreading this knowledge is key to eroding the rollout of these new laws. I hope many people will be as shocked as I was by the deliberate distortions, lies and deception employed to make this happen.

Then, hopefully, you will be ready to take action. The tiny MOS group will not be able to run the whole grassroots campaign. They are seeking suitable people with time to coordinate events, work with local groups, find ways of using the MOS material to spread the word about what really going on here.


That's where my volunteers come in. There are over 1,000 people on our various volunteer lists, some of whom got in touch with me personally over the years, plus others who came through the MOS website. All will receive a mailout checking if they are willing to help. Naturally we welcome new additions, so if you would like to join up, do so here.

MOS will sift through all the people who respond, looking for team leaders to take charge of particular activities and putting them in touch with other locals willing to help. We need plenty of Indians as well as some chiefs!

We will need a team to work with men's groups to get flyers out into local communities. Next week MOS will contact all the major Australian men's groups seeking their assistance in getting our male victim flyer displayed in places where there's plenty of male traffic, like men's barbers or sporting clubs. One of our teams will then follow this up. We have had preliminary talks to some Men's Sheds organisations, which have the advantage of being autonomous groups not needing approval from woke boards so hopefully some will be willing to distribute the flyer.

Other teams might concentrate on men's sporting clubs, or search for events where they might distribute material. MOS has all the downloadable flyers on display in theirresources section, and if it is too hard for you to organise to print off copies, contact MOS admin to find out if these could be sent to you.


If you are not able to contribute in other ways, please consider donating to the MOS fundraiser – even the smallest amount is very welcome. Financial support is needed to pay for administrative support and expert help, and boost the MOS social media campaign. Note we are using a Christian fundraising platform because it is one of the few sites which does not censor politically incorrect causes.

Educating members of parliament

Consider meeting with your state members of parliament and talk through the key issues, enlisting their support in raising community awareness about this campaign against men. This is particularly important in states like Western Australia where coercive control is on the drawing board but nowhere near actual legislation. Here is a briefing document you can use to prepare yourself for such meetings.

Draft letter

The corporates and non-profit organisations are already lining up to show their woke credentials by supporting the new coercive control laws. How about writing to them to explain they are making a mistake in supporting these unjust laws – cc'ing their boards and all key members of their organisations? Here is a draft letter to get you started.

Support for men

See the MOS advice on helping male victims make complaints. If you know anyone in this situation, please alert them to this advice and perhaps offer to support them in going to the police. It is a big ask for men to do this on their own – not only do they need support, but we must keep records about how men are treated by police. Please contact MOS if you would be willing to support men in your area who wish to take this step.

We also need you to spread the word about how men can defend themselves against coercive control charges. See our advice for men who are being falsely accused – here.

Monitoring the roll out

Police and courts across Australia are being trained to weaponize these new laws against men. I am hearing from police officers who are very concerned that they will be forced to impose these unjust laws, given that they already struggle with domestic violence protocols which ignore female violence and regard male victims as perpetrators.

MOS is keen to gather more information about exactly what police and the judiciary are being taught. Please contact MOS if you can help – all correspondence will be treated as confidential and identities protected. Perhaps it will be possible to set up a small group working on strategy to help police who do not want to have to treat men unfairly.

Everyone must help

It is not too late to take action. We still have a very good chance of derailing this dreadful assault on men by exposing what coercive control is really all about and encouraging male victims to make complaints.

I hope I have inspired you to do something! If all the 10-15,000 people who read my blogs were to send out occasional letters, or put up a flyer, or talk to a barber or contact a sporting group, it would be clear that ordinary Australians are not happy that our lawmakers and justice system have been hoodwinked into supporting a fraudulent feminist campaign. Now isn't that worth doing?

Mothers of Sons would like to thank all the people who devoted months to preparing for this campaign. Namely: their brilliant researcher, Tony; video production from Damn Good Productions; additional help from Insight Films in Perth; graphic design from; the wonderful actors and the mums helping with the media event.


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This article was first published on Bettina Arndt.

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Bettina Arndt is a social commentator.

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