There are no moves in PNG to end the links with the crown. The structure suits even a powerful PM like James Marape.
The governor general has no say over granting royal assent to legislators. He must act on the advice of the cabinet - the National Executive Council. He may ask questions, but the cabinet is not required to answer if it elects not to.
My favourite GG was the second, Sir Tore Lokeloko. He was an MP when elected, as most have been or had been.
He had a magnificent English accent.
I got to know him when I became secretary of the Port Moresby Rugby League. He had just retired as GG and became our patron.
He never missed a weekend of football. My job was to look after him. That basically involved ensuring he had a cold SP stubbie in our VIP Box!
We talked about his time as GG. As he told me, when he took it up he knew he was without power. That suited him.
Securing a second term is a remarkable achievement by Sir Bob.
What it really showed was that the Prime Minister, James Marape, has enormous parliamentary support.
It also shows that this aspect of the constitution - the role of the head of state - is functioning well.
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