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Shameful star chambers

By Bettina Arndt - posted Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Sure enough, after months of delay whilst everyone awaited the transcript of the magistrate’s written judgment, the university set up its own investigation and re-examined all the evidence which the magistrate had used to determine Andrew completely innocent. They then grilled Andrew – denying him any legal support in the process.

Eventually they found him guilty of “behavioural misconduct” because he should have somehow resisted any contact with the drunk girl. That’s very different from the original “sexual touching” charge where he was wrongly alleged to have done something wrong, behaving inappropriately towards the girl. The university decided he was guilty of not doing something, failing to resist or retreat quickly enough from a girl’s amorous advances.

Not only are males now to be held responsible for taking advantage of drunk women, they are in trouble for letting such a woman near them.


Andrew was officially reprimanded, and told he wasn’t allowed back on campus for three years. The decision was issued by a brand-new Vice Chancellor no doubt keen to throw a bone to the feminists who control the university, as they do in all such institutions. Andrew was naturally upset by this decision but the punishment hardly mattered. He has no intention of going near this dastardly institution ever again.   

Meanwhile in the United States

This week Joe Biden’s government announced new regulations to wind back the meagre reforms to the American campus star chambers which the Trump administration had managed to push through. The Wall Street Journal pointed out that Biden’s new regulations will eliminate or weaken basic procedural protections for students accused of sexual misconduct:

“The right to a live hearing? Erased. Cross-examination? Unrecognizable. The standard of proof to determine guilt? Weakened,” sums up the correspondent, adding that this sets the Education Department on a collision course with the courts. As he explains, over the past decade in America, judges nationwide have issued more than 200 rulings favourable to students accused of sexual misconduct, chastising universities for “rushing to judgment in rigged proceedings designed to appease the federal government.”

Our Aussie rigged proceedings were designed by our universities not to appease the government, but to kowtow to the feminist mob. That’s why they attract absolutely no scrutiny from our legacy media which serves precisely the same master. How else can we explain why journalists happily bang on about trans athletes - an issue which impacts tiny numbers in our community - whilst ignoring the huge population of families whose sons are at risk of injustice at our universities?

Our society’s indifference to what’s happening here is a national disgrace.



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Bettina Arndt is a social commentator.

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