(with apologies to Professor Milton Diamond)
David Skidmore’s article “Gender reassignment surgery does not help in our gender-divided society”, demonstrates that being gay does not provide an understanding of the complex affairs of people born with transsexualism. There is a gulf between us that he does not, or does not want to, comprehend.
In a recent Amicus Curiae brief it provided to the US Supreme Court, the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association (comprising the world’s experts in the field of transsexualism) stated:
Transsexuals experience themselves as being of the opposite sex, despite having the biological characteristics of one sex… The present findings of somatostatin neuronal sex differences in the BSTc and its sex reversal in the transsexual brain clearly support the paradigm that in transsexuals sexual differentiation of the brain and genitals may go into opposite directions and point to a neurobiological basis of gender identity disorder.
[T]ranssexualism is a disorder of sexual differentiation, the process of becoming man or woman as we conventionally understand it. Like other people afflicted with errors in the process of sexual differentiation, such as people with intersex conditions, transsexual people need to be medically rehabilitated so that they can live normalized lives as men or women.
The only available, successful and appropriate treatment at present for severe gender dysphoria is gender reassignment treatments, i.e. psychiatric assessments followed by hormone treatment, the real life test and in suitable cases, sex reassignment surgery. This has been confirmed by all long-term studies.
This paradigm is somewhat narrower than the position under Australian common law. The Family Court of Australia in Re Kevin (validity of marriage of a transsexual) [2001] Fam CA 1074 heard detailed evidence from numerous international and domestic medical experts on the transsexual condition. His Honour Chisholm J came to the conclusion that the former narrow definition of “sex” requiring congruency of all three of genitals, gonads and chromosomes, was no longer valid. Finding that the phenomenon of “brain sex” was a biological fact, he said:
In my view, the expert evidence in this case affirms that brain development is (at least) an important determinant of a person's sense of being a man or a woman [at 247] … I see no reason why I should not accept the proposition, on the balance of probabilities, for the purpose of this case [at 248]… In my view, the evidence about the experience of transsexuals, and the strength and persistence of their feelings, fits well with the view that "transsexuals have a sexual brain development contrary to their other sex characteristics such as the nature of their chromosomes, gonads, and genitalia" [at 269]…
I am satisfied that the evidence now is inconsistent with the distinction formerly drawn between biological factors, meaning genitals, chromosomes and gonads, and merely "psychological factors", and on this basis distinguishing between cases of intersex (incongruities among biological factors) and transsexualism (incongruities between biology and psychology) [at 270] … In my view the evidence demonstrates (at least on the balance of probabilities), that the characteristics of transsexuals are as much "biological" as those of people now thought of as inter-sex. The difference is essentially that we can readily observe or identify the genitals, chromosomes and gonads, but at present we are unable to detect or precisely identify the equally "biological" characteristics of the brain that are present in transsexuals [at 272].
Chisholm J held that the factors to be considered in determining a person’s sex included, but were not limited to, the sex of the gonads, genitals, and chromosomes; any hormonal and surgical rehabilitative treatment the person had undergone; the person’s perception of their sexual identity (a manifestation of brain sex); and the perception of others towards them. Following a long line of precedents in Australia, he further held that, post-operatively, a person treated for transsexualism is a member of their re-assigned sex.
The Full Court upheld the decision on appeal and, further, established the position in Australian law that people with transsexualism should not be treated differently to others with intersexed conditions: they should be allowed to choose their sex, affirm it and be accorded full legal status as members of that sex.
It is important here to distinguish, quite clearly, between transsexualism, a biological variation in sexual formation with a fixed gender, and transgender, a psychological disorder in which the sex is fixed but there is variable or cross-gender presentation.
Professor Milton Diamond has probably studied the tenuous dichotomy between sex and gender more than any other medical researcher. In his paper, Sex and Gender – Same or Different?, he wrote:
Unlike the majority of transsexuals that "feel they were born that way" many of those identifying themselves as transgendered or gender-bending or gender-blending persons are attracted to the concept of a constructed gender and see themselves and their lives as evidence of it. Eschewing any strict male-female dichotomy, transgendered persons instead reach for a wide range of admixtures of male and female restructured anatomies and manifest masculine and feminine life-styles. For those most unique in their display, to reflect the socially bizarre nature of their expression, the term "gender fucking" is used by outspoken transgenderists themselves and others as well. The term is not seen as pejorative but apt.
Transsexuals, who I believe are intersexed, have the body and genitals of one sex and the brain of the other making reconciliation of their sexual and gender identities problematic. They solve their problems of reconciling, their disparate sexual identity and gender identity, by saying, in essence, "Don't change my mind; change my body."
Thus, transsexualism is just another of the biological variations that occur in human sexual formation; it is about being a particular sex, not doing it. It is also about recognising gender norms, not challenging them. And Alex is consequently a boy, not a girl, albeit one with a grossly atypical phenotype, so courtesy dictates that masculine pronouns be used to refer to him. Transsexualism also has nothing to do with sexual orientation. In fact, we are predominantly heterosexual, but are also gay, lesbian, bisexual and asexual in numbers fairly representative of the wider community.
Alex was plainly exhibiting classical symptoms of severe adolescent transsexualism and was at a very severe risk of taking his own life because of the huge distress of living with a body oppositely-sexed to his brain. The rejection of people experiencing transsexualism, by their family, friends, employers and a largely ignorant wider society leads to them experiencing the highest levels of depression, suicidal ideation, discrimination and harassment of any of the minorities with sex or gender development contrary to heteronormative expectations. That was certainly the outcome of the report, Enough is Enough… (pdf, 302 KB) commissioned by the Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby Group and it has been reinforced by many others.
As the former Family Court Justice, the Hon Travis Lindenmayer, explained in a very enlightened article in The Herald Sun, the court examined both the medical evidence of those professionals who were treating Alex, and the opinions of other experts who were called to comment on their assessment and the prognosis. The unanimous consensus was that the treatment regimen was correct in the circumstances.
It also needs to be pointed out, because David missed it, that Alex is not having sex-altering hormone treatment at 13 years of age. He has simply been placed on the oral contraceptive pill until he is at least 16 years. Many Australian mothers have done the same with their teenage daughters. At 16 years, if the assessments remain unchanged, then, and only then, can Alex commence on still largely reversible hormone treatment until surgery is accessible at 18 years when he is legally an adult.
It seems to me that David’s criticism of the treatment authorised for Alex’s transsexualism is more likely to arise from his personal need to be gay and proud rather than an insightful interpretation of the expert knowledge. Leading domestic and international medical experts all agreed there was only one solution yet David would have the outcome dictated by gender-political considerations. That David endorses the views of Sheila Jeffreys, an ultra-essentialist feminist who deems chromosomes more powerful than the brain in determining the sex of intersexed men and women, but holds it paramount in informing her own experience of gender, says it all.
In Hon Lindenmayer’s words:
If Alex had been refused treatment and committed suicide, there would still be questions and criticisms, just very different ones. And death is absolutely irreversible.