It is not to allege a conspiracy, to observe that a huge number of interests are acting in concert. It's not because they've conspired, but because they've aligned. The same thing happens in the film industry – ever noticed the same actors and producers turn up at the same few movie houses?
As a result, while we've been told to accept that COVID has become endemic, now it appears, according to the utterances of many politicians and public health professionals, it was only Delta that was to become endemic.
Now Omicron is here, elimination has once again become the endpoint. For evidence of this I offer up former AMA president and MHR Kerryn Phelps
There is always a film critic seeking to boost a dead horse, for reasons of their own.
So here we go again. Same plot, slightly disguised characters, variations on the same theme song, sung by a chorus of influencers, and the artifice continuing to wear thinner and thinner. It took 25 iterations for Bond to blow-up. How many for COVID-19?
I like movies, they occupy some my spare time, but they redistribute wealth rather than create it.
Then again, what is the purpose of income if not occasionally to spend it on luxuries. But COVID, through to Omega and beyond, redistributes without providing any but the few with luxuries. The only thing that will save us is a poor box office for this iteration, with citizens refusing to turn-up as instructed.
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