Unborn babies are called 'children,' the same word used of infants and young children (Luke 1:41, 44; 2:12, 16; Exodus 21:22), and sometimes even of adults (1 Kings 3:17).
The most startling affirmation of the sanctity of prenatal life is the incarnation of Jesus Christ. His personal history on earth began, not when he was 'born of the Virgin Mary', but when he was 'conceived by the Holy Spirit' (see Matt.1:18, 20).
The beginning of life is confirmed by the medical profession. Dr Micheline Matthews-Roth, research associate of Harvard University Medical School affirmed 'it is scientifically correct to say that an individual human life begins at conception'.
As for shortening an adult's life through euthanasia or assisted suicide, whose right is it to do that? The biblical position is:
- Creator God is the source of life (Acts 17:28) and death ('The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Praise the name of the Lord' – Job 1:20-21)
- 'Although it may sometimes appear to be an act of compassion, killing is never a means of caring'. 'Don't be interested only in your own life, but care about the lives of others too' (Phil 2:4). Instead of killing the elderly and unwell, the Christian responsibility is to care for them. Promotion of increased resources for palliative care should be the replacement for euthanasia.
No matter how many emotional examples are given about suffering at the end of life, whose right is it to choose the end of life? It belongs to God.
(c) Attack on values of religious organisations, including churches, social welfare organisations, free speech, hospitals and schools played a part in the 2019 election.
After the election, commentator Miranda Divine told The Catholic Weekly (20 May 2019) that those dubbed by Morrison as the 'quiet Australians' were a key factor in the outcome.
Religious Australians were 'sick of being derided' by Shorten, Plibersek and Wong who treated them as 'morally inferior' since they weren't in favour of a radical social and socialist agenda.
She continued: 'Playing in the background was the Israel Folau saga, which Shorten gratuitously dragged into the campaign as a weapon against Morrison, trying to portray his devout Christianity as bigotry'.
Divine demonstrated how the booth by booth swings in Western Sydney told the story of the faith vote.
The Australian Christian Lobby's managing director Martyn Iles confirmed a clear mandate was given to Morrison to legislate for religious freedom and to resist radical social policies. He contended that this result in key marginal electorates was partly on account of Labor's policies which undermine religious freedom, parents' rights, and pushed a radical social agenda out of step with mainstream Australian values'.
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