For 75 years, the Liberal Party of Australia has been a respected and enduring institution of our nation which will be remembered kindly for many notable achievements.
However, it is breathing its last and rigor mortis will set in very quickly and permanently.
Its record over the past few years has been so lamentable that few will weep.
The death spiral began when Fraser illegally removed Whitlam in 1975, then governed with such a guilty conscience that he will be remembered as a very dismal Prime Minister.
Temporarily, Howard steadied the ship, but the rot set in when Turnbull ruthlessly destroyed Nelson and Abbott replaced Turnbull in as stupid a ballot as has ever been held.
Abbott's reign in Opposition and Government was as close to insanity as can be imagined and Turnbull let down Australia in everything that he did and did not do, a huge disappointment to me personally and many like me.
Now Morrison is an illegitimate Prime Minister, not accepted in this high office, as he was put there by 45 people, most of whom the nation disrespects.
It is all over. Nothing can save the Liberals, absolutely nothing.
Why is it so? Let's take a look at the future.
Essentially, the ultra negative manifesto of the stricken Party is this.
They hate the Labor Party and its Trade Unions. They also despise climate change advocates, gays, refugees, muslims, aborigines, welfare recipients and female Parliamentarians. They love the Queen more than Australia and prop up those whose main motivation in life is greed. And they love to frighten us into voting for them.
So what happens next.
They will be wiped out at the Federal Elections of 2019, reduced to a few seats. Their Coalition partners, the Nationals will be reduced to no more than two.
A new leader, Frydenberg, will be elected and he will commence the huge task of building a new Party. I will help him, even though I have never ever joined a political Party and won't join his, because we were mates before he entered Parliament.
His first task will be to expel Abbott and those of his mates who refuse to re-join the human race. Cory Bernardi will give them refuge.
He will have to rename the Party because the Liberal brand has been irretrievably trashed.
Then, he must regain and reinvolve the millions of moderate Australians who now feel that the Liberals have betrayed them and left them unrepresented in the political scene as they will not back the ALP while it is affiliated with Trade Unions that control their funding.
It will take two full parliamentary terms for Frydenberg to achieve this huge task and he will then be in a position to win an Election so long so long as he has developed a simple economic and social agenda based around an new philosophy called THE SHARED GOOD based on a level playing field, equal opportunity and visionary aspirations in an unpolluted world.
I wish him well.
While the Liberals are being reformed, the ALP must face up to its own demons if its wants to become the natural Party of government.
It will never get there while the Unions are tied around their neck like a huge albatross. Those Unions directly represent less than 10% of the nation and they have one sole philosophy – naked power. The future of the ALP lies with the millions of intelligent Australians who are politically left of centre, but who won't have anything to do with Unions. The ALP has to decide who their powerbase are. If they choose Unions they too will die in the next decade.
Shorten does however have an immediate problem.
Because of his quite extraordinary personal unpopularity, mainly caused by voters blaming him for the assassination of Rudd then Gillard, there are millions of disenchanted Liberal voters who will not vote for him. They have no choice but to vote for Independents. I expect twenty Independents to be in the next Parliament, but they will be a good quality of responsible person relatively untainted by the sickness of party politics.
So, Shorten's margin in the House will be small and he will have a hostile Senate.
Before his inevitable demise, Morrison can do one fine thing for the nation which will cause Australians to remember him fondly.
On Election Day in 2019, he can arrange for a Constitutional Referendum to be held which will make it mandatory for a Governor General to call an immediate General Election when a Party in Government changes its Prime Minister so the people can say whether or not they endorse the change. Never again must a Party be allowed to decide who is the Prime Minister. It is a decision of the people of Australia.
This change will cause MP's in marginal seats to think twice before tossing out a Prime Minister.
Will all this make the people of Australia more respectful of their Parliament? One can only hope so.
Right now they think it is at the bottom of the garbage can.