There has been a low rumble from deep within the community about the rights of the childless. In particular, about not paying taxes to support families or women who have families. No louder
than a rumble, but certainly a noise.
At first I thought this disguised a deeper concern that no one should help women "have it both ways". As if having a baby were just like having a luxury holiday! But no, there really
is some concern that childless couples, and in particular those who have chosen to be childless, are unfairly supporting those who enjoy the delights and love of parenthood.
In my life time, there certainly has been a see-sawing debate about the desirability of children. Many of us would remember the ZPG (Zero Population Growth) debate of the 1970s, which
anticipated an environmental apocalypse if we continued to breed up and destroy the earth’s resources.
Wagging fingers told us that two children or less was the green thing to do. China and India took dramatic steps to limit their populations; China's more draconian than dramatic.
But in the debate about environmental sustainability, something else was lost: the importance of family, of societies sustaining themselves, of generations succeeding each other, learning from
each other, needing each other. We need to remember the Pied Piper will not just spirit our babies away. Family and community life often goes with it.
For childless people, paid maternity leave is a good bet. It means they enjoy the benefit of an ongoing community with minimal cost. Other measures aimed at supporting families and allowing
young people to view parenthood as a free and possible choice, are also good for childless couples. It is the only way out of a seismic social shift that will leave all our lives, including those
of the childless, all the poorer if we do not take steps to stop it now.
Look at the facts:
- Conservative estimates are that a woman (and therefore a couple) foregoes $160,000 in earnings when she stops to have a child. That is Saving Number One for the childless (or childfree)
- The costs of raising a child are estimated to be between 10 per cent and 30 per cent of family income. Saving Number Two.
- In return for this, the couple enjoys emotional fulfilment, the satisfaction of knowing they have reproduced themselves or their loved ones, and perhaps the hope that their old age will not
only be supported by caring children, but filled with the happiness of grandchildren and a continuing involvement in their activities and interests.
Mind you, the childfree can often find similar levels of satisfaction in other activities.
When the childless are 25 or 35 years old, other people's babies may be an imposition and an annoyance. But by the time those babies reach maturity, they play a different role in the life of
the childless older person.
There are many benefits children bring to society that are enjoyed not only by their parents and immediate family, but by the childless also.
These children, once they have finished their public education, stopped cramming the public hospital paediatric wards (the casualty ward for teenagers!), stopped school travel on public
transport and no longer take up the time of the friendly policeman on the corner, become citizens.
They work the farms and build the roads for example; as our older arms and legs grow tired, they become the doctors and nurses that care for us when we get ill or just frail; they make our
glasses and hearing aids; they amuse us on television and play the music we love hearing, whether it is the Australian Chamber Orchestra or Silverchair.
And importantly, as the number of people of working age available to support those over 64 drops from five to one in 1991, to three to one in 2051, they pay the taxes. Taxes that support us in
our old age, as we become the prime users of public health and transport services.
Those same children will consume goods so producers can afford to make them and we can buy them too; the list of contributions to our way of life, whether or not they are our children, is an
endless one.
As Khalil Gibran said:
"Your children are not your children; they are the children of their generation". He should have added "and ours".
The sort of society that supports a woman's need for work and family balance, is exactly the same society that enables childless people to balance their work with the rest of their lives;
whether that is playing in a rock band, volunteering for community work or caring for their parents or elderly neighbours.
It is a sad day when the Sex Discrimination Commissioner has to defend the contribution of children; it is time to move on from questioning whether or not we all need families and instead focus
on how we make sure our young families of today can produce stable, loving and capable young people who will ensure Australia’s future.