Initially, this use of "love" for selecting marriage partners was liberating. No longer was the choice of a life partner determined collectively. Individuals, guided by the inner light of feeling, were now increasingly free (at least in principle) to choose a partner regardless of class, race or creed. Nevertheless, while this choice was now free, it remained for a long time simply a different avenue to the same destination – that is, the same social institution, performing the same social functions it always had. In this sense, marriage remained an institution defined by its social function.
Slowly, however, the popularity of "love" and the individualist ideology of feelings behind it began to erode marriage itself. The revolution in mass media that reached critical mass in the interwar period, accelerated this change. It was here that the "cult of love" was born. The Hollywood movie played the pivotal role in shaping and disseminating the idea that the central focus of life was "love". It produced fantasies with happy endings where the boy got the girl and both lived happily ever after. Fulfilment meant finding one's "soul mate" with whose subjective feelings and truth one could commune in a direct, unmediated fashion.
This "cult of love" was very much a substitute religion. As Nietzsche told us, God "died" in the 19th century, leaving a great abyss to be filled. People looked into that abyss and saw themselves looking back. At first that was a collective self – the nation as an object of veneration, awe and hope. But that collective self was itself mortal. Two nationalism-fuelled world wars and a seemingly endless Cold War killed it off. Higher living standards and the rising tide of consumer society saw the collective self fragment like a shattered mirror. Its successor was the legion 'gods' of myriad egos seeking affirmation through consumption. Philip Rief called this 'therapeutic society', characterised by an increasing concern with individual cravings for affirmation and validation. We might see it as the sanctification of the self as god-substitute, venerated through social recognition. The cult of love is one mechanism through which that recognition is delivered.
Marriage began to change. Increasingly it too was seen as a means to individual fulfilment and recognition. If someone chose me, said they loved me, vowed that they would devote their life to me, then I must be special. After all, he or she could have chosen anyone else. And the fact that they based their choice on love, a feeling that grows from the inner sanctum of their being, that holy of holies in which their true self dwells, in purity and honesty – then their affirmation of my true self must be authentic. And if I feel the same way about them, then that affirmation is reciprocated, each little god hidden within giving and receiving recognition and authentication through mutual worship.
Clearly, the social role of marriage cannot co-exist with the cult of love. The cult of love represents the invasion of the family by hyper-individualism of civil society and the market. Hegel saw these as contrasting forms of consciousness. Interaction between them creates a positive dialectic where each counterbalances and clarifies the other. Civil society promotes individual freedom otherwise lost in the bonds of loyalty and obligation of the family; at the same time, the family anchors people with a sense of belonging and security otherwise lost in loneliness and alienation of market competition.
But the cult of love smuggles individualism into the heart of the family where it erodes loyalty and rejects obligation and sacrifice. Now the members of the family become equal and identical individuals, with their needs and wants protected by rights. Spouses retain their individual careers, demand their "me time" and expect a division of labour and offspring that is quantified, equal and efficient.
And they expect recognition – the continual affirmation of their authentic individuality by the other. Failing this, divorce becomes unavoidable. Divorce will also require an equal and equitable division of goods – including the children. Such a division is itself a species of recognition. And the essential elements of family – security, predictability (home), sacrifice, will melt into air. The children who depend for their healthy growth and development on these elements of family, are now drawn into this war of recognition, batted back and forth between parents like a ball in tennis.
This seems a long way from gay marriage. What's the connection? The cult of love which casts marriage as recognition for a person's authentic being. In this sense, gay marriage is the latest in a long line of steps in the debasement of the family. It makes sense to people because marriage itself is already so closely identified with this cult. And now, judged solely according to "love", how can homosexual couples be distinguished from heterosexual couples? Love in this sense, as an expression of an individual's inner-most feelings, is impossible to evaluate because it is so utterly subjective. Only its external signs can be observed. And here, no distinction can be made.
We already know with heterosexual "love" to be wary because the feeling itself can be confused, misidentified and changed. Falling in love might be the best experience – but it can also be the worst. Resting society's most important institution on such capricious and unreliable feelings is risky. That is why marriage involves vows before God and man, and is secured by legal contract.
Yet now the cult of love turns this upside-down. Rather than perceiving the necessity of vows and legalities to compensate for unreliable feelings, to secure marriage from the ebb and flow of emotions, these formal trappings of marriage become recognition for love, as a tribute to feelings. This attitude has couples writing their own "vows" which portray their love as beautiful and sublime.
The same attitude stands behind the campaign for gay marriage. That is, a worshipful attitude to feelings, a veneration of intensity over depth, and a failure to recognise that "true love" is not the cause but rather the result of marriage. In marriage, it is from learning trust and respect through sharing the miracle of life, and the obligations and sacrifices of parenting that love can emerge.
In contrast, the cult of love is a dangerous fantasy: though it provides credibility to gay marriage, it threatens the bedrock of society – the family.