The current focus on foreign and defence policy does not mean the
suspension of domestic policy development. It's impossible to be a force
for good in the wider world without a strong and secure domestic base.
International crises cast domestic issues into different perspective but
don't make them go away. Although issues of war and peace inevitably
distract people from bread-and-butter concerns, they can also suspend
safety-first politics and give national leaders renewed determination to
amend what's within their power to fix.
As a counterpoint to the problems of the wider world, providing a fair
go for struggling Australian families is more urgent than ever. In
particular, how do we give Australian families the best possible chance to
make a better life for themselves and tackle the sense that many people
are still running faster without advancing on an economic treadmill?
ACOSS wants the Government to create more jobs. ACCI wants the
Government to create new regulatory structures that will allow business to
create more jobs. The welfare reform roadmap just released and the
commitment to new policies on work and family are marks of a government
which has always looked for fresh ways to tackle the most intractable
social and economic problem of the past quarter century. Unlike its
predecessors, this Government has not ignored the impact of the social
security system on unemployment and is determined to ensure that paid work
is consistently more attractive than the alternative.
"Perhaps it is a weakness of democracies," wrote the Adelaide
University historian, Sir Keith Hancock, "that, having willed an end,
they try to shuffle out of willing the means."
"Australians," he continued, "certainly, constantly confuse
end and means and they do this because their easy-going good nature and
intellectual laziness make them reluctant to refuse favours, to count the
cost, to discipline the policies they have launched. These policies,
therefore, yield diminishing returns until, at last, they may become a
positive danger to the national purpose which has called them into
Hancock was writing about "protection all round" and
analysing the foreseeable but unplanned outcomes of policy based on
wishful thinking. Policies to boost employment are especially prone to the
magic pudding syndrome or to the counterproductive influence of unintended
consequences and easily degenerate into attempts to buck markets rather
than address the structural factors which drive them. The former Labor
government's Accord, for instance, had worthy objectives: to boost
employment and to provide a better life for people doing it tough.
Unfortunately, lower wages and higher welfare payments created more
potential jobs but fewer workers prepared to fill them. The orthodox
"cure" for unemployment became ineffective because of new work
patterns and a welfare system which undermined the appeal of entry-level
Comprehensive social security is part and parcel of modern civil
society but has a range of harmful side-effects. Failure to acknowledge
the way universal, more-or-less unconditional welfare changes people's
behaviour has seriously compromised Australian governments' efforts to
deal with unemployment.
Unemployment is a much more complex social and human phenomenon than is
apparent from the average press release. Unemployment happens to people,
not economies. Behind the statistics are hundreds of thousands of quite
different human situations. People's finding, losing or failing to find
work is a function of personal factors such as the motivation of job
seekers and the goodwill of employers as well as "impersonal"
ones such as the state of the economy and condition of particular
industries. Even so, some systemic issues can make a big difference to how
people organise their lives. If, for instance, people can receive almost
as much money through the welfare system as through paid employment they
can hardly be blamed for concluding that work does not pay.
It is generally believed that a 48.5 per cent top marginal tax rate
(with Medicare levy included) cutting in at just $60,000 a year
constitutes a significant disincentive to earn and achieve and places
Australia at competitive disadvantage in seeking to hold and attract the
best talent. Unfortunately, the interaction of the tax system and the
welfare system means that people moving from unemployment to work
generally face effective marginal tax rates of nearly 70 per cent and
sometimes over 100 per cent. Adults on Newstart who earn an additional
dollar pay 17 cents income tax. On top of the 17 cents lost through tax,
they lose an additional 50 cents through benefit clawback once they've
earned $31 a week producing a 67 per cent effective marginal tax rate for
part-time work in excess of about three hours a week. If 48.5 per cent tax
discourages people with responsible jobs, what about the impact of 67 per
cent on unemployed people? What is thought to be a significant
disincentive to well-qualified people doing interesting jobs can hardly
fail to discourage less well-motivated people working for about $10 an
Progressive income tax is supposed to mean higher tax rates at higher
incomes but that's not how it works in practice for people who are also
receiving social security benefits. Financial incentives are certainly not
the only determinant of labour market behaviour but they are an important
High effective marginal tax rates mean that moving from welfare to work
can make depressingly little difference to people's disposable income. For
instance, a single person on Newstart renting privately whose earned
income increases from $75 to $375 a week, after tax and social security
clawback, is just $53 a week better off.
The interaction of a needs-based, highly targeted welfare system with a
progressive tax system becomes even more complex for low to middle-income
families receiving multiple benefits (with cumulative and often different
thresholds and withdrawal rates). For families, the worst poverty traps
can occur when moving from low to middle levels of earned income. For
instance, a couple renting privately with three teenage children whose
earned income increases from $610 to $860 a week is actually $28 a week
worse off after paying tax and losing part or all of their rent
assistance, family payments and Austudy. The social consequence of 850,000
children living in 435,000 jobless families is not so much a dramatic
increase in poverty (thanks to a tightly targeted welfare system) but a
significantly greater incidence of early school leaving, unemployment and
teenage parenting in the next generation.
Under these circumstances, the wonder is not that Australia has a
persistent sub-culture of unemployment but that more people do not opt out
of participation in the workforce. The fact that so many people persevere
in modestly paid jobs testifies to the resilience of the work ethic and
people's appreciation that there's much more to work than pay alone. Most
people, most of the time, work for the satisfaction and companionship of a
job well done as much as for money but incentives do matter and sooner or
later perverse incentives start to warp people's best instincts.
This is an edited
version of an address to Young Liberals,
11 January 2003. The full text can be