Because there is no lobby group to assert this inconvenient truth,
business leaders only recently learned that comparatively poor people
faced higher effective tax rates than they did. Too many welfare activists
have still not learned that doing the best for their clients generally
means losing them. And policy professionals have been slow to recognise
how tackling one problem can end up causing another.
The way two generations of well-intentioned but ad-hoc policy making
has turned a theoretically progressive into a practically regressive tax
transfer system is a classic illustration of that democratic reluctance to
discipline policies detected by Hancock 70 years ago. There are lobbies
for every interest except the national interest which is why governments
find it so hard to discriminate between the ceaseless cries for help. Who
could deny the rigours of life on social security or fail to want to help
people in need? But benefits for some always mean burdens for others.
Heavier burdens on those who are net contributors to the social security
system are the inevitable result of larger payments to those who are net
beneficiaries - with consequent pressures on the social fabric. To limit
the burden on the general community, it makes sense to target benefits
strictly to those in need - but it's in the nature of targeted systems to
subsidize problems rather than solutions. Higher taxes to pay higher
social security bills make it difficult for average families to make ends
meet. Many try harder (often by finding second and third incomes), some
give up (often unintentionally) and pass into the unemployment subculture
and most become more inclined to question a system which no longer strikes
them as fair.
The Howard Government is committed to a simpler, fairer welfare system
with more built-in incentives for people to find work. As Senator Vanstone
said at the launch of the Government's welfare reform paper in December:
"Leaving the system the same could be unfair to many people
particularly if it locks them out of opportunities or incentives to move
to greater independence."
The paper canvassed three broad options: "mini" reform to
remove the worst disincentives to work from the existing benefit system;
"midi" reform to create a uniform working-age benefit with
different supplements and requirements for people in different
circumstances; and "maxi" reform to integrate the new
working-age benefit fully into the tax/transfer system so that at any
given level of income and in any particular household type people can earn
an extra dollar and keep a reasonable percentage for their efforts. Mini
reform is unlikely to stop unemployed people retiring onto the disability
pension. Midi reform won't end the problem of people simultaneously paying
tax and receiving benefits and thus finding themselves exposed to punitive
effective marginal tax rates. Maxi reform has the potential to develop
into a new round of tax reform, this time for direct rather than indirect
tax, with the same problems of compensation for people who might be worse
There will be an understandable desire to focus on specific problems
such as the difficulties of working families with children or the
inadequate returns from entry-level work. The trouble with changes
specifically targeted to these problems (such as a new maternity payment
or an earned income tax credit) is that they shift disincentives rather
than eliminate them. The current uncoordinated system is the result of
precisely such well-intentioned, "non-ideological", incremental
rather than architectural policy-making. Too often, governments have
tackled smaller problems in ways which make bigger ones worse.
Paradoxically, sweeping changes (which challenge the electorate to
focus on the national interest) might be less vulnerable to scare
campaigns than modest changes (where people inevitably focus on
"what's in it for me"). The 1998 election demonstrated that
voters can be persuaded to support reform which they fear could make them
somewhat worse off provided they're confident it should make the country
as a whole substantially better off. Reform of personal income
arrangements, especially reform for low-and-middle families, could have
wider appeal than reform of indirect tax because it would be reform with a
social conscience as much as reform for a stronger economy.
In the end, Hancock's rueful judgment about the polity is a reflection
on the historical quality of our political leadership. When democratic
electorates reject good policy, it's the leadership rather than the voters
who have failed. Governments are at their best when determined to make a
difference rather than mind the shop. Governments don't achieve democratic
legitimacy just by winning elections but also by making good use of the
influence, authority and power that they have. In the coming year, let's
renew our commitment to reshape our systems and institutions to reflect
better the best values of the Australian people.
This is an edited
version of an address to Young Liberals,
11 January 2003. The full text can be
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