The war lasted for more than 10 weeks. In that time our heroic army fought both terrorists from the KLA on the ground and the "hi-tech barbarians" from the US and NATO air force. I know you may find the "barbarian" tag confronting, but that is how our official media referred to them. I liked it. I always had a picture of Conan with cellular phone and tie, but with a big sword (one from the clipart).
Our army was more successful then even the most optimistic war analysts predicted. NATO did little real damage on the ground, and even now they are silent about the numbers of planes, trucks and tanks that they destroyed. Could it be that many of these were actually filmed by CNN in Hollywood back lots?
But in the end the army, our people and our country were betrayed by one man – President Milosevic.
The night I heard that our army was going to surrender to NATO, I was shocked. There was no reason to do such a thing. Not only had the army suffered marginal losses, but morale was high, and only a small fraction had seen any combat. There were no shortages of any kind, we had fuel, food, medicines. At first I thought that the Russians had cut a deal with NATO, but later found that they were also on the losing side. My next thought was that someone from the military would decline the "peace" treaty and continue to fight, but the army readily obeyed and left Kosovo. That was the end.
The responsibility for this decision can only lie with Milosevic. There are a number of generals, but he is the Supreme Commander. He has to be, because in our country power still grows from the barrel of a gun.
The Russians tried to cause some "noise", but apart from the air assault brigade that took Pristina airport from under the US noses they achieved nothing real. They showed that Russia is maybe Super, but its power is long gone... Given the choice of cooperating with NATO and earning foreign credits, or causing trouble and going empty handed, the Russians choose to play NATO's tune.
With the last units of our army out of Kosovo, the fate of some 100,000 Serbs, and smaller numbers of Gypsies, Montenegros, Goranci, Egipcani who used to live there was sealed.
In the next few days, as reports of Albanian atrocities started to come in, I hoped that the army would revolt, imprison President Milosevic and return to Kosovo, but they did nothing. This may sound melodramatic, but in our history unsuccessful generals have never lived long. Tzar Lazar, who lost the battle of Kosovo in 136? Was beheaded by the Turkish Sultan. Karadjordje Petrovic, who unsuccessfully rebelled against the Turks, was killed by his own Godfather. King Aleksandar Karadjordjevic, who in the
final months of the W.W.I lost parts of the Dalmacia and Serbia to Italians, and Romanians, was later killed in Marseilles, France.
This Battle of Kosovo is a turning point in our history, just like the first one. On that day, Serbia was enslaved, and destroyed and until the second Serbian rebellion we were under the Turkish Sultans, for some 5 centuries. Now, the same thing is happening again, but instead of Turks, there are US marines, English SAS, and other special forces, including Turks... :((((
The Opposition blamed the president, who ordered his propaganda machine to ring the victory bells and the hundreds of refugees that streamed from Kosovo to Serbia and Montenegro went virtually unnoticed. No one bombed Tirana because the KLA was killing the Serbs, burning their houses and robbing their stores. With our army gone, they were helpless. Anyone protecting his life and family would be shot on sight by the KLA or NATO. In a few days the new buddies from NATO and KLA had expelled what was left of the Serb population.
The sons of the Albanian people that killed, tortured and humiliated Serbs in Kosovo during W.W.II (with a little help from the German army), did it again, but now under the protection of NATO. What was once an organization of pro Nazi Albanians called "Balisti" is now the KLA, but their general idea is still the same - first ethnically clean Kosovo, and then Greater Albania....
The People were furious and demanded some kind of action, but as always nothing happened, as no political party, army, police, or any other organization was prepared to commit treason of such proportions.
By our constitution "no organization or individual can sign the capitulation of the army, nor change the border of the country." Our president broke both rules. Not only did he demoralize and humiliate our army, but he allowed part of the border to stay uncontrolled, and thus lost a part of the country... The things we fought for were forgotten in a single week. I still can hear the echo of his words "no soldier of NATO will walk on our holy land". So if you ask me,he is guilty and he must be punished. How, I am not sure, but often our way is that the leader dies from a suddenly acute medical condition – a sudden heart attack, diseased kidney, or brain damage!
As for the people that stayed in Kosovo, their only chance to save their lives is to find safe passage to Serbia or Montenegro. No one cares for them, no one protects them, and what is worst of all - no one wants them. Every day on every news, you can see men, women and children killed, beaten, raped. People are leaving on foot, trucks, tractors. But no one cares, as this time they are Serbs. No one is responsible for the "pogrom" and no one will be responsible for the exodus, as none of the NATO troops can bring peace and order in Kosovo.
But there is one thing that hurts me even more. We failed to protect our country, and our people. Many died in the war, and they won’t forgive us.. Their children will ask us "why my father died, but you stayed alive?" and I fear that living in eternal shame is even worst than death.
How can I ever look in the eyes of all those people from all around the world who shared our destiny, as they protested against the NATO invasion? What should I tell the Greek girl who was there on the net night after night telling me that all of Greece was with us? And how about those people from F.Y.R Macedonia who set the American embassy on fire in the first days of war? I can't mention all of them, but I know that we failed them all. And because of that I am ashamed. My people have no honor any more.
So we buried our dead, cleared the rubble and debris, and life resumed where the war stopped. We will go on, but the eternal shame will last for many generations to come. And every time I think about this great "victory" I will hope that it is the last one.
I am sorry if I am confusing and unclear. Just keep in mind how hard is for me to write about this. I lost a relative in this war, some friends of mine spent months in the trenches - all that for nothing.