A recent ABC Big Ideas program 'Imagining Australia in 2030' (first broadcast 19 April 2012 but repeated on 24 Jan. 2013) discussed Australia's social and economic future and recent policy trends.
Various panellists represented a range of views and concerns. Eva Cox continued her longstanding claim that Australia is moving away from its collective direction in the 1960s and 1970s towards an individualist society. The Australian's George Megalogenis countered by arguing that protectionism during the 1960s and 1970s proved incapable of addressing Australia's declining economic plight and high unemployment levels by the early 1980s.
But common sense tells us that both collective and individualist impulses remain evident within Australia's policy mix and society, albeit constantly evolving within a world of competitive nations still struggling for resources and the influence of certain ideas.
While only a fool would assume all is okay, there are many examples that offset negative economic and social developments. For example, I remember when many more Australians had far less opportunity to purchase quality and cheaper consumer goods. I also remember state governments outlawing homosexuality until the 1970s with reforms of criminal law continuing until 2003 when NSW brought the age of consent for same-sex and opposite-sex conduct into line.
The truth is that Cox does not have a monopoly on historical analysis or ideas about how to create a fairer society.
Australia's recent economic policy choices may have reflected much greater pressure to adhere to freer trade, but were also promoted as part of a concept deemed more capable of promoting peace and prosperity between nations. This remains the case, despite ongoing immense inequality between nations and the recent disaster of the global financial crisis which reflects the ongoing reality of imperfect policies within a competitive world.
In an era where more nations have greater opportunity to encourage economic production and attract vital investment, Australia's distribution of public resources has increasingly focused on greater efficiency and accountability.
While Cox even gloated of a time when she did not have to compete for public funding, all public resources are now under greater scrutiny. Gone are the days when my mate could take a three hour daily lunch in his Australian Taxation Office job. Gone are the days when another friend could turn up to his Australian Public service and do nothing for two years before retiring at 55 on a $55,000 annual pension. And gone are the days when few questions were asked of dole recipients, providing an easy opportunity for fraud.
Without dismissing any legitimate economic and social concerns, including unprecedented environmental degradation caused by human activity, Australia's relative material well-being today was aided by recent reforms in line with the demands of an increasingly international economy. This included significant labour market deregulation and taxation reform.
This does not mean that Australia avoided major economic and social problems. For instance, a growing proportion of Australians face home unaffordability, especially in Australia's major cities. George Megalogenis also points to the increasing casualization of the workforce with less than half of jobs now taken by male full-time workers leaving many underworked men in country towns and poorer suburbs.
But there are no easy fixes for Australia by 2030, albeit that Australia can still point to fewer economic and social problems than most other nations. While Australia will benefit greatly from the export of minerals and fuels to Asia, it will need to remain internationally competitive in terms of labour costs and taxation levels. Hence, the plea by federal Greens MP Adam Bandt for Labor to increase taxation to boost social welfare services may fall on deaf ears for some time yet.
In terms of wealth creation, and despite the Reserve Bank's Glenn Stephens suggesting that the world now paid greater attention to Australian economic success, Australia now has fewer options in regard to balancing our productive capacity and consumption. The public is much less willing to empty its pockets given Australia already has one of the largest levels of household debt. Governments have far fewer public assets to sell. And governments, still conscious of winning enough public support through social welfare assistance (including health and education), are struggling to free up enough vital resources to help fund vital infrastructure and possible other needs.
Economic policy difficulties will lead Australian political leaders to exploit non-economic issues or offer false claims or ideas that supposedly can save the world. Currently the Coalition attacks Labor over boat refugees, the carbon tax and perceived economic incompetence. Labor promotes economic prowess against less fortunate Western nations, while implementing a carbon tax and exporting more and more dirty coal.
In government economic policy terms, besides general competence in regard to upholding the international economic orthodoxy of the day, all we may have left is the age-old struggle between Labor, which normally spends more than the Coalition in both periods of outlay expansion or contraction; and the Coalition which nearly always tempers the level of spending by Labor and gives greater attention to business interests and national defence. In truth, whether the Australian economy prospers or stagnates depends very much on the fortunes of the international economy, as it always has.
For all the calls by Cox and Bandt for a more inclusive and generous society by 2030, much may depend on just which issue is the flavour of the month as government and society considers longstanding and new issues. While Australian government outlays have remained around a third of our GDP since the early 1980s, and public health expenditure increased from 3.8 per cent of GDP in 1980 to reach 5.9 per cent by 2008, less money is now spent on unemployment benefits which increased in real terms by just 50¢ a day during the past 15 years with the current $245 weekly rate $103 behind aged and disability pensions. Australia by 2009 also had around one quarter of its doctors having obtained their first medical qualification overseas, according to a 2012 Health Workforce Australia publication.
But while Megalogenis is right to ask how the political class will galvanise public support to aid the longer term national interest, the answers are difficult.
Megalogenis talks of the need to develop education to help make Australia the smartest country on planet and help attract many of the mobile and educated global workforce with many of them using Australia as a temporary stay on way to US. At the same time, Megalogenis suggests we may be competing for the wrong global citizen as we need migrants that will contribute through their children, much as they did in past decades.
But how do we promote Australian industry to employ more Australians and immigrants given the ongoing demise of more sectors that are opened up to foreign competition?
We were once told that Australia would provide much more food to the world, yet a local beef and lamb farmer tells me he has 15 grandchildren, but only one wants to stay on the farm? And this farmer has no debt.
Do we simply rely on mining and allow other industries to disintegrate further due to a high dollar as global investors look for safe havens to invest at a time when Australia is a major mining exporter? Heaven help us should the Asian bubble burst or further Western decline leads to much greater protectionist sentiment which will indeed slow global economic growth given Western societal demands for greater social and environmental consideration.
Do we really believe that a free trade agreement with authoritarian China will be fair? A recent report by China's Ministry of Commerce points out that the first three quarters of 2012 saw 55 trade cases against China worth around $US24.3 billion, thus representing 40 per cent of all actions. This included submissions from the EU and US, India, Brazil, Argentina, and Turkey.
It is nonsense to suggest that the rise of authoritarian China at the expense of Western societies will be good for the world given that the latter remains largely unwilling to encourage democratic rights and civil society, promote true open trade, or even expose the true extent of public corruption.
And while Megalogenis also notes how Australians of non-English speaking backgrounds will be the majority by 2030, and Bandt pleads for Australia to still take refugees, Australia's multicultural immigration program must always take account of potential problems that may disadvantage or alienate Australians.
Despite a rocky ahead, Australia can remain a relatively visionary country, although probably not in accordance to the ideals of Cox and Bandt. As other panellists illustrate, there is much to be optimistic about Australia. Annabel Crabb, political editor of ABC online, defended the Australian character beyond a stereotype type of a Bondi lifeguard or stockman by noting how we accepted a decent universal health care system whereas the US still struggles for one. Crabb also noted how Australia now takes mental health much more seriously.
While pressure will remain on Australian wages, we still maintain a greater desire to promote a decent minimum wage and reasonable working conditions. In contrast, one summary of US Census Bureau data suggests that the proportion of US families struggling with poverty continued to grow in 2011 due to more people returning to work given lower-paying service jobs with nearly one-third of working families struggling compared to 31 per cent in 2010 and 28 per cent in 2007.
To conclude, the recent ABC Big Ideas program Imagining Australia in 2030 was useful, but it remains to be seen just how Australia fares by 2030 now the mirage of the 1960s and 1970s is over and our recent easy reliance on credit is less of an option. Australia will be different. Hopefully it will remain a shining light in a world of competitive nations, but recent policy trends suggest a mixed bag of both positive and negative trends as policy limitations continue to unravel.