Here we are, 225 years on, celebrating the day that Governor Arthur Phillip selected Sydney Cove in preference to Botany Bay as the birthplace of colonial Australia. We call this day, January 26th, Australia Day and sing our national anthem, "Advance Australia Fair", to mark the occasion. But I wonder how many of us realise we might, instead, be singing "La Marsellaise" to mark Jour d'Australie?
If Jean-François de Galaup La Pérouse had not been delayed by some unfavourable weather, the French navigator could have reached Botany Bay ahead of Phillip. Had that been so, France could have dispossessed England of Captain Cook's 1770 discovery of New South Wales and called it, instead, Nouvelles-Galles-du-Sud. In the event, La Perouse was sighted off Botany Bay on January 22nd barely four days after Phillip's arrival, which in terms of 18th century world-voyaging, was an uncomfortably close photo finish.
Two questions arise from this. Was the French visit a coincidence? If not, were the English aware of France's possible ambitions to dispossess them? The answer to the first question is straightforward enough (although the motive might be questioned). La Perouse's instructions from King Louis XVI included the navigator visiting Botany Bay to see how the English were getting along - that's the questionable motive, which I'll come to later.
The answer to the second question depends on how the researcher interprets the records and available facts of the time. For my part, the long-standing Anglo-French animosity is of prime importance, especially as the French had helped the American colonists defeat England in the War of Independence (1776-1783).
One result of that war (in which La Perouse captured two British forts) was the loss of America as a convict depository. And even before peace was agreed at the Treaty of Paris in 1783, England's penal law reformers started looking to New South Wales as the alternative destination for convicts.
In that year, also, (1783) the French government decided to equip an expedition that would complete the work started by Captain Cook earlier in the decade. La Perouse was appointed commander of the two-ship expedition, La Boussole and L'Astrolabe, which sailed from Brest on August 1st 1785.
Meanwhile, the English authorities were poring over a plan submitted to Lord Sydney on January 13th that year (1785). The essentials of the plan are pretty much what is generally known of Australia's colonial founding, but it took some 14 months before Lord Sydney wrote a letter to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury which began: "The several gaols and places for the confinement of felons in this kingdom being in so crowded a state that the greatest danger is to be apprehended, not only from their escape, but from infectious distempers, which may be hourly to break out amongst them . . ." The letter then set out a plan that eventually led to more than 168,000 convicts being transported to Australia.
By the time that letter was written (August 18th 1786), La Perouse had been to Rio de Janeiro, rounded Cape Horn, coasted northward up Chile (where he re-fitted), explored around Alaska and the Bering Strait, and was heading south towards the Philippines, where he once again refitted and sailed from Manila on April 10th 1787.
At that time, April 1787, the First Fleet organisers in London were haggling about stores such as caps for the convicts, more clothing for the women and a hogshead of porter, while, various informers kept the war department and the admiralty abreast of La Perouse's mission and whereabouts.
Important intelligence
We now arrive at a crucial point in Anglo-Australian history. I suggest that sometime at the end of April, or very early in May 1787, intelligence was received in London that La Perouse was getting too close to Australia for England's comfort. I'll return to this point shortly, but first, we must remember that, although Cook had claimed about half of Australia and nearby islands for England, the right of discovery (de jure) did not mean the land could remain unoccupied and any prior right unchallenged; occupation (de facto) was necessary to retaining that sovereign right. In this case, while Phillip and the First Fleet were anchored at Cape Town, and La Perouse was on his way to see how the English colony was getting along in Botany Bay, New South Wales had remained unoccupied for 17 years.
A wake-up call
Now back to the possibility of French occupation. The evidence is gleaned from an unsigned letter, dated May 5th1787, a week before Phillip was due to sail for Botany Bay. I would suggest the letter followed from a wake-up call that England was not in possession of New South Wales. The letter was unsigned but historians have attributed it to Lord Sydney. In the letter, Phillip is permitted to transship from the command vessel, HMS Sirius, to HMS Supply (eight guns and 50 crew) "if he thinks fit". The official reason was given thus: "it may be expedient for Capt. Phillip to arrive upon the coast of New South Wales previous to the convoy under his protection, in order to fix upon an eligible spot for their settlement, and to make proper arrangements for the landing of the marines and convicts". All of which seems reasonable enough and, indeed, that is what the records tell us Phillip did.
However, apart from its being unsigned, the letter was not addressed to Phillip but to the Lords of the Admiralty. Nor was the possibility of transshipment mentioned in the several pages of instructions previously given to Phillip. Hence we must presume there had been private and confidential conversations between Sydney and Phillip, and the Admiralty. The letter being merely confirmation of what had been agreed - and available for any spying and prying eyes to read. What was left unwritten was probably something along these lines: If our people in Cape Town confirm our suspicions, you (Phillip) must somehow get to Botany Bay before La Perouse, even if it means leaving some of the Fleet under Hunter's command. And be prepared for a fight if you're too late.
My reasons
I have a number of reasons for suggesting England belatedly realized it risked losing New South Wales to the French. First, I think Phillip received some very confidential intelligence about La Perouse at Cape Town that made him think fit to race ahead of the fleet and take a detachment of marines with him.
Second, French informers were good at their job, so when La Perouse sailed from France in 1785, nearly two years before the First Fleet sailed, their admiralty would have known there was no settlement in Botany Bay - that possibility was then only being talked of in London.
Third, Phillip was commodore of the fleet and, as such, did not need permission to make or alter any sailing arrangement - at sea he was supreme.
Fourth, Phillip, who suffered seasickness, did not change ships in the relative calm of Table Bay, where the Fleet had spent nearly a month. He did so only after "leaving the Cape of Good Hope"; clearly, it was intended that the activity should not take place where members of any other nationality might witness it. (The southern Indian Ocean was a lonely place at that time.)
Fifth, the commandant of marines, Major Robert Ross, was also transferred to be with his troops, because, as Phillip himself stated, they would be the first to go ashore. On this point, who was Ross expected to fight? Cook had no problem with the native population while his people explored Botany Bay and leisurely sketched flora and fauna. Cook even buried one of his men, Forby Sutherland, without being challenged by Australia's natives.
Finally, and perhaps most telling, it was only when the First Fleet was some 400km or so eastward of Cape Town, Phillip divided the ships into two flotillas - a vanguard of four to be led by himself and seven to follow under the command of Captain John Hunter. This was no simple maritime exercise; it involved a considerable movement of provisions and persons between ships, in which Phillip transferred from the flagship, Sirius, to the much smaller Supply. The operation, carried through in the unreliable weather of the southern Indian Ocean, was by any standard a dangerous undertaking that took about a week to complete. (It speaks volumes for the skills of the British tar that there were no accidents.)
The outcome
We now know the result - Phillip won the race (assuming there ever was one) by the barest of margins. Even so, in the race to the finish, HMS Supply, was to prove herself as unfit for the job as Phillip's friend, Lt King, had said from the outset: "...her size is much too small for so long a voyage which added to her not being able to carry any quantity of Provisions and her sailing very ill renders her a very improper Vessell for this service". Phillip learned that this was only too true as he battled up the New South Wales coast to his landfall. He later wrote to Lord Sydney reporting that he sighted the coast on January 3rd 1788 but "we did not arrive in Botany Bay before the 18th".
Thus, Phillip continued: "The Supply, sailing very badly, had not permitted my gaining the advantage I hoped for". But he gained just enough advantage over La Perouse, who had also run into some bad weather after sighting Nouvelles-Galles-du-Sud, to pip him at the post.
And so, now, on Australia Day we sing "Advance Australia Fair" and not "La Marsellaise".