Beach volleyball was also a Harry Windsor target, media avidly reporting that the man scored tickets to the event, as if his reported antics in nightclubs about the town somehow equip him appropriately for a prominent place in the stands when beach volleyballers enter the stadium. This is, according to reports, 'the worst kept secret of the Olympics', with Harry reportedly 'excited' at securing his 'trophy' tickets for 'front-row' seats. That this approach is juvenile in the extreme does not seem to register with any of those involved in writing up the episode, apart from the Guardian where it was noted that headline news seemed to be that Harry 'will be attending beach volleyball, where real ladies famously wear real bikinis'.
Even where women's prowess in Olympic sport is affirmed, with nations pridefully including gold, silver and bronze in their medals tally, media commentators still mouth sotto voce upon the women's 'performance' on the winners' dais – where all women are, invariably, 'girls'.
This approach is, of course, supported in that far fewer female sports commentators take their place in media boxes at Olympic arenas than do male sports commentators. Australia, as with other countries, sends a woeful number of women in media contingents to any sporting event, with the Olympics being no different. The notion that male commentators are well-qualified to pronounce upon women's sporting prowess – when those events are covered – appears to be well-accepted by television, radio and print media. The opposite idea: that women commentators are equally positioned to cover men's sporting events doesn't follow – at least where media powers are concerned, and that women might commentate on women's events also is lacking, for women are little seen or heard when it comes to women's or men's events.
Even the opening of the Olympics – an event to which universalism should apply, too - is covered by men seen by production heads as 'personalities', whatever the public might think.
So far, women basketballers from Australia have travelled economy class whilst their male counterparts travelled in business. And, showing that sexism has no national boundaries, Japanese women soccer players flew economy whilst the men's soccer team flew business. In both cases, the women's teams are in the top echelons of their sport, whilst the men's teams languish as 'also rans'.
In the meantime, men compete in five canoeing competitions, whilst the Olympics stages no canoeing competitions for women. Yet it is not as if the world is sans women canoeists. Indeed, medal winning canoeist Samantha Rippington is challenging this exclusion in the United Kingdom High Court – facing up to the financial and psychological costs this places upon her, along with the physical stress and (despite plaudits from admirers of her courage and conviction) the opprobrium her stand inevitably unleashes. There are, sadly, some who will not accept that women have a right to engage equally in sport, much less protest through legal forums when denied that right.
Canada has declared that its local Olympic Games Committee is engaging in 'government functions' when undertaking its role as 'head' of Olympics activities and actions in Canada. Hence, it is subject to human rights principles and domestic legislation. The UK case aims at making the same point – relevant not only to canoeing but to the Olympic practice of providing many events for men which are not replicated for women, and for having a far larger programme of men's than women's events. Universalism? On the part of Olympics' organisers, hardly. Insofar as the women challengers are concerned? Spot on.
The Olympic Charter declares that Olympism 'is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind', whilst 'blending sport with culture and education', with Olympism seeking to 'create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational values of good example, social responsibility and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles'.
Yet, as 'Letters to the Editor' published in the Guardian (3 August 2012) affirm, 'joy of effort' is strongly underpinned by money for men – sponsorships, high salaries – as where male footballers 'earn yearly salaries in a day', whilst female footballers survive in their sport solely through working other jobs to support themselves and their families.
The goal of Olympism, as attested by the Olympic Charter, is to 'place sport at the service of the harmonious development of humankind', with a 'view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity'.
Yet again, as a Guardian 'Letters to the Editor' (3 August 2012) correspondent observes, male runners get by in knee or thigh-length shorts, whilst women must wear short-shorts or 'knickers' in vying for media coverage and sponsorship for, clearly, aerodynamics have nothing to do with shortness of length of leg 'covering'. As this Guardian correspondent points out, too, at women's events it is not long before commentators begin speculating along lines of 'is she a woman or a lesbian' – clear attestation to their stupidity (a lesbian must be a woman, though the reverse is not true) as well as their prurient sexism.
In the 1980s, as a member of the NSW Women's Advisory Council, winning athlete and Olympics competitor Marlene Mathews spoke of the pressure on women at Commonwealth (earlier Empire) and Olympic Games to wear full makeup, including brightly-coloured lipstick and nail polish, and to shape and spray their hair before going onto the circuit, in order to quell questions about their sexuality. Yet, ironically, not only does this not put an end to the 'woman/lesbian' question, it directs attention to women's bodies as sex objects, not sports people at the top of their game.
The Olympic Movement, says the Charter, is the 'concerted, organised, universal and permanent action … of all individuals and entities who are inspired by the values of Olympism'. Yet to get there, women are obliged too often to engage in practices such as producing calendars picturing them naked in order raise funds and pursue sponsors so that they are free to train, to win 'berths' in Olympic trials, to compete in events that will take them to Olympics standards and earn the fares that will get them to those events to compete.
Sports organisations within the Olympic Movement 'shall have the … responsibility for ensuring that principles of good governance be applied'. Belonging to the Olympic Movement 'requires compliance with the Olympic Charter and recognition by the IOC', the Charter concludes.
How do Australia and Japan stand, then, in their differential treatment of women-as-women in air travel? Where does the UK stand when its local Olympics Committee says it is not covered by the Equalities Act 2010 (UK)? How do any countries stand when not only do they do nothing to obviate the need for women to wear costumes – such as 'knickers' – but collude in this culture by designing as 'official "sportswear"' and 'country "uniforms"' the very costumes that have nothing to do with the ability to compete in sports events, and everything to do with the necessity for women to exhibit sexuality in order to be 'seen'?