Angel Eyes came back with "Don't be stupid, it is just
pre-positioning. We would look pretty foolish if war started and our ships
were still tied up at the wharf. Anyway, how can it be unilateral if three
countries are involved?" That's when the slanging match started. But
at least they all agree on one thing - that the war is about controlling
Iraq's oil.
The lads just aren't hungry today. It appears that Whacko Jacko has put
them off their tucker; something not helped by Tuco recounting the
television special in graphic detail. The World Cup also came into
discussion, with the smoko room unanimous in wanting the matches in
Zimbabwe and Kenya to be transferred to South Africa. Tuco amazed us with
his brilliance.
"The Kiwis won't play in Kenya, and we won't play in Zimbabwe. So
send the Kiwis to Zimbabwe, and we'll go to Kenya." Good on ya!
The guys are itching for the next Queensland election to be held.
"Every day I drive past Lang Park, I feel personally insulted by
the waste of money," says Blondie. "Beattie is crying poor over
ambulance and land clearing money, yet spends $300 million on a footy
ground." Most of the guys nod in agreement - I suspect there may be a
Beattie Backlash at the coming election.
The Good, The Bad, & the Ugly welcomed the elevation of Lawrence
Springborg to leadership of the Queensland Nationals.
"Thank God for that," said Angel Eyes. "I was sick of
(Bob) Quinn."
"No, you dolt, he replaced Hopeless Horan," said Blondie.
"Anyway, Springborg seems articulate, but his deputy (Jeff Seeney) is
a bit of a Gumby. How did he get voted in?"
Tuco explained that if it weren't for Gumby, we could have been saddled
with Sleepy, Dopey, Grumpy, or worse still, Vaughan Johnson.
"Probably just as well then," sighed Blondie.
You can cut the tension here with a knife as Blondie and Angel Eyes
glare at each other across the smoko room. Makes me almost want to go back
to work. Hey, I did say almost! See you next time.
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