Now why is it that these "arguments" sound so very, very familiar? Oh yeah, they are the exact same "arguments" being used by the pro-homosexual marriage crowd. Absolutely identical. The reasoning for polyamory and group marriage is 100% identical to the reasoning for homosexual marriage.
Once you throw out the fundamental core criteria of marriage (proper gender, proper number, etc) then of course anything goes. And we are seeing this played out before our very eyes at this very moment. And all along the homosexual activists have the gall to mock those who warn of a slippery slope, as they claim that group marriage and other combinations will never be demanded.
But if you are still not convinced of the double standards and fractured reasoning of the Greens and others, let me take this a bit further. Let me show again how the Greens are the most bigoted, discriminatory and rights-denying party around. Consider this: what if I wanted to become a member of the Greens today?
Well, on the Greens' membership form it says that everyone must sign this declaration: "I am not a member of another political party and will not join another political party while I am a member of The Greens. I agree to abide by the Charter and Constitution of the Australian Greens, and the Constitution of my state/territory party. I acknowledge that my membership is subject to approval by The Greens party in the state/territory where I reside."
Hey, wait a minute. What kind of gross discrimination and intolerance is this? I deplore the Greens, I do not believe in anything they stand for, and I am happy to align myself with other political parties. So they won't let me become a member. How intolerant is that?
And I even have to abide by their Charter and Constitution? I can't believe it. This is just so blatantly wrong and discriminatory. Why can't I join the Greens, even though I refuse to abide by any of their rules and regulations? Why am I being denied my human rights to join these guys?
Oh, but the Greens will argue that to so bend the rules in this manner would make a mockery of the Greens, and in fact undermine it and destroy it. By allowing anyone in, it redefines the group out of existence. Thus obviously the Greens cannot tear down their own rules and criteria, just to take in those who are bent on destroying it.
Hey, that sounds like perfectly good reasoning to me Greens. I can see real common sense and rationality there. It is a type of discrimination, obviously, but a very vital, necessary and healthy one if the Greens are to survive. Such proper discrimination must of course stand.
Er, wait a minute. Have I not heard this argument before? Oh yeah, I have: I and others have made it countless times. We have said exactly the same thing about the institution of heterosexual marriage. Indeed, in case things are not quite clear, let me just substitute a few words here and say all that over again:
"Oh, but the pro-marriage folks will argue that to so bend the rules in this manner would make a mockery of marriage, and in fact undermine it and destroy it. By allowing anyone in, it redefines the institution out of existence. Thus obviously pro-marriage folks cannot tear down their own rules and criteria, just to take in those who are bent on destroying it.
"Hey, that sounds like perfectly good reasoning to me. I can see real common sense and rationality there. It is a type of discrimination, obviously, but a very vital, necessary and healthy one if marriage is to survive. Such proper discrimination must of course stand."
Wow, the utter and total hypocrisy and double standards of the Greens are simply mind-boggling here. When we rightly argue that to throw out the gender requirement of marriage is to redefine it and destroy it, the Greens foam at the mouth and scream about discrimination, hate and bigotry.
Yet when polyamorists want in to the institution of marriage as well, or I want in to the Greens party, we are both denied our rights, and told these rules cannot change. They are so blind to their own utter duplicity and irrationality here that they cannot even see how they shoot themselves in the foot every time they open their mouths.
Hypocrites all right. Blatant double standards all right. But what do we expect from the moonbats in the Greens party? What do we mere "earthians" know about anything? Obviously our mental and moral reasoning abilities are in a different league from theirs. And maybe that's a very good thing too.