Shame on those intolerant, bigoted and hate-filled Greens. They are a disgrace. Instead of being open, inclusive and tolerant, they are just redneck haters who are denying lovers their dreams. How dare they exclude so many people from their basic right to love and marry?
They have come out and made it perfectly clear that they are not at all into real marriage equality. They want to use the ugly arm of the law to push their narrow and reactionary agenda. They actually say they will prevent loving and committed polyamorists from marrying. Unbelievable! And in this day and age! We have so far moved beyond the 1950s, yet we still find this bigoted and ugly intolerance to real love.
This is 2012 for heaven's sake. When will the fundamentalist, archaic and clearly fossilised Greens get with the times? How dare they prevent those in love from their full rights? This is just such a horrific case of irrational discrimination and despicable bigotry.
As the press reports today, they are living in prehistoric times: "The Greens have declared they have a clear policy against support for polyamorous marriage as they pursue their case for same-sex marriage.Greens marriage equality spokeswoman Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has declared the Greens have a clear policy against support for polyamorous marriage.'Our bill clearly states marriage "between TWO consenting adults" and that is the Greens' position. No, we don't support polyamorous marriage - the only person who seems to want to talk about this is Senator Cash.'
"It comes after Senator Michaelia Cash, Liberal Senator for WA, today challenged the Australian Greens to state their position on polyamorous marriage. This follows the disclosure that polyamorists have made submissions to the Greens' Senate Inquiry on Marriage Equality. 'Sarah Hanson-Young must explain whether she does support "marriage for all", as advocated by the Greens, who wish to "legislate to allow marriage regardless of sexuality or gender identity",' Senator Cash said. 'Using these benchmarks it would really be a case of "anything goes"'."
And just in case you think there are no such beasts as polyamorists, think again. They are all over the place, and gaining momentum every day. Strengthened by what they see the homosexual militants getting away with, they are demanding their "rights" as well, using the exact same arguments as the homosexual lobby.
An interesting piece in today's Australian is yet just one more example of all this: "The power couple of Australia's increasingly open polyamorous community, Rebecca and James Dominguez, have made Senate submissions urging the legalisation of same-sex marriage, as they promote greater acceptance of multiple-partner relationships. The couple have led the way in publicly outlining their own journey from monogamous marriage to one in which each has another lover as well.
"In her blog, Ms Dominguez, who is an administrator with IBM in Melbourne, writes: 'My life rocks . . . I am incredibly happy and have almost everything I could possibly want . . . I've built a house with my husband and my husband's boyfriend so there are four of us living together in nice harmony. (The fourth household member is Rebecca's boyfriend.)
"'James outed himself to me as bisexual a year after we got married. Remarkably, this didn't really phase me. He talked to a nice female friend of ours that was interested in him, informed her about my boundaries and they agreed to have a sexual relationship. I felt more secure in my relationship with James . . . I knew that James wasn't going to leave me, that he could have sex with and love another woman and still love me and want to be married to me.'
"For many years Ms Dominguez was president of PolyVic, which promoted the 'practice of honest, open, ethical multiple relationships'. More recently the couple have taken up leading positions in Bisexual Alliance Victoria. The two organisations are closely connected and hold picnics which, the website says, are family-friendly with 'food and drinks to share, picnic rugs or chairs, outdoor games, kids, dogs, kayaks'.
"As president of the alliance, Mr Dominguez, an IT specialist in the Victorian public service, wrote to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee in support of the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2010. 'The legal definition of marriage itself has changed over history, such as the removal on restrictions of inter-racial marriage and the provision for divorce,' Mr Dominguez wrote in the submission.
"Ms Dominguez wrote in her own submission to the Senate committee: 'Just as we have allowed changes in the past to things considered "traditional" (equality of women, humanity of non-white people), we can change "traditional" understandings of things now'."