Now that private debt is falling relative to GDP, deleveraging by the private sector dominates half-hearted government stimulus packages, so that high unemployment persists years after the recession was formally declared to be over by the NBER. The crisis will continue until private debt levels are drastically reduced from today's Ponzi-driven heights, while in the meantime, second-order effects of the dynamics of debt will dominate asset markets as well as economic activity.
Figure : Credit Accelerator and Change in the DJIA
To escape from this crisis, we need not only to focus on its real cause - excessive private lending that funded Ponzi bubbles in asset markets - but also to escape from the Neoclassical mindset "which ramify, for those brought up [on it], into every corner of our minds" (Keynes 1936). That intellectual liberation is the objective of Debunking Economics.
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About the Author
Steve Keen is Associate Professor of Economics & Finance at the University of Western Sydney and is a fellow of the Centre for Policy Development. He is the author of 'Deeper in Debt: Australia's addiction to borrowed money', published by the Centre for Policy Development, September 2007. He maintains a blog at