On World Environment Day this year, Prime Minister Howard declared
that it would not be in Australia’s interest to ratify the Kyoto
Protocol on climate change. However, his government still insists that
it intends to reach the target set under the agreement. What makes these
statements extraordinary is that they were made before the economic
assessments of ratifying have been completed and released.
While this ‘politicking’ may have been vaguely excusable in a
global environment where the Protocol seemed unlikely ever to come into
force, by the time the statements were made this was already not the
case. In the previous week, Japan and all the countries of the European
Union had ratified, bringing the Protocol within range of becoming
operational. At the time of writing, 76 countries have ratified,
accounting for 36 per cent of developed-country emissions. If Russia and
Poland ratify, as they have stated they will by the end of this year,
the Protocol will come in to force.
By the end of this year, Australia could find itself locked outside a
carbon-constrained framework that includes the bulk of our trading
partners. Although the USA, our largest single trading partner will not
be involved, the EU, Japan and South-east Asia, who will most likely be
bound by the treaty, together form a far larger bloc.
If the Australian government truly does intend to reach its Kyoto
target, it would be far easier to do so from inside the Kyoto regime,
with all the benefits it entails. From outside the regime, Australia
could not take part in the mechanisms of carbon trading, International
Emissions Trading (IET), Joint Implementation (JI) and the Clean
Development Mechanism (CDM) with Kyoto Parties. This could only make the
cost of meeting the 108 per cent target even higher, something readily
recognised in many economic analyses, including those by ABARE.
Many economic analyses to date of the cost to Australia of ratifying
the Protocol have been portrayed as resulting in dire economic
consequences. ABARE’s original modelling in 1997 formed the basis for
Australia being granted the 108 per cent target, one of only two
countries to receive an increase. Yet that modelling had serious
First, it was exposed that a fee of $50,000 had to be paid in order
to have a place on the advisory panel who designed the assumptions
underlying the model. Not surprisingly, the panel was dominated by the
fossil fuel lobby. Second, the modelling itself made some extraordinary
assumptions, which significantly distorted the results, including that
60 per cent of Australia’s electricity supply would come from
renewable sources by 2020. As desirable as this might be, it is clearly
an extremely high-cost scenario that was obviously going to paint a
gloomy picture.
Despite the clear limitations of this economic modelling, closer
analysis reveals that the results are only as bad as people want to make
them sound. For instance, under the ABARE model referred to above, 85
per cent of Australian industry would benefit or see no net economic
impact as a result of meeting Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions
reduction targets, even allowing for the unrealistic assumptions. This
is rather different to what the government told us.
Since the findings were announced, the Australia Institute has put
the ABARE figures into a perspective which shows they are not at all to
be feared. ABARE argued that reaching our Kyoto target would mean a 0.18
per cent reduction in GNP by 2010. Clive Hamilton of the Australia
Institute pointed out that given that GNP is likely to rise by 40 per
cent by 2010, a 0.18 per cent drop against this would mean Australia
would have to wait three weeks before reaching the same GNP as it would
without Kyoto.
Losing faith in government modelling, progressive industry groups
such as Environment Business Australia (EBA) have commissioned their own
modelling. This move has been driven by the very real concern that
Australia’s position on Kyoto is already losing us business deals with
far-sighted companies looking to secure their future in a
carbon-constrained world.
The EBA recently released a report arguing that ratification would be
a vital impetus for the development of sustainable industry in
Australia. They argue that ratification would help with the
modernisation of the Australian economy, would improve our global
competitiveness and would build new markets in Asia. Importantly, not
ratifying would exclude us from these developing markets.
The Australian EcoGeneration Association is another progressive
business association arguing that the domestic regime put in place by
the Federal Government is failing to deliver. The Association recently
reported that the 2 per cent renewable energy target is likely to
provide a windfall to pre-existing large hydroelectric power stations
and not assist the development of new renewable energy industries.
Without the vital overseas investment that the Kyoto regime would
guarantee, Australia’s world-class renewable energy and energy
efficiency industries are likely to move offshore or risk losing their
competitive edge.
Other voices in this domestic dynamic on ratification include the CEO
of BP Australasia, Greg Bourne. In the lead up to the Federal election
last year, Bourne publicly called for Australia to move ahead with
greenhouse gas emission reductions, arguing that ratification would
create rather than cost jobs. Additionally, late last year, John
Standford, Executive Director of Allen Consulting, long-time critics of
the Protocol, noted that ratification would involve "little
economic hardship for Australia". Then there are the new analyses
commissioned by the Environment Minister, Dr Kemp, this year, designed
to take a fresh look at the economics now that Kyoto is looking like a
reality, but which the Prime Minister so wantonly pre-empted.
Without ratifying Kyoto, Australia will find it far more difficult to
slow its emissions growth and risks losing important investment
Finally, it is important that we consider what will happen after
Kyoto's first commitment period. Australia was given a very easy target
at the Kyoto negotiations in 1997. If we ignore this target and stay out
of the regime, we’ll be in a very poor negotiating position for the
next round. If much of the developed world has already moved to slow or
halt their emissions growth by 2012, cheap emissions reductions will not
be so abundant. There can be little doubt that it will be cheaper in the
long run to reduce our greenhouse emissions sooner, rather than later.