Yugoslavia was a sophisticated country and a top tourist destination. Many women there were in business and the professions. Then the men went mad.
The women who believed that they had equality suddenly discovered that they were women in a man’s world all along. While the men were destroying, the women were on the roads trying to escape the violence. The women who had broken through the gender barrier were on the same road with their bedding under their arms as were the farm women who had never dreamed of breaking through any gender barrier.
Until about 150 years ago, when a woman became pregnant she knew that there was maybe a one in 50 chance that in nine months she would be dead. A woman could spend as much as 20 years of her life in the pregnant state. Uterine problems that are so common and easily repaired by modern health services had to be lived with.
All of that misery was due to females having the hormones they do. Then they had problems due to males having the hormones they do. Since modern humans arrived on the scene about 150,000 years ago, the number of females of all ages who have been severely battered by males or raped would number hundreds of millions.
Differing hormones do more than cause the physical gender differences. They contribute to differing perspectives emerging out of male brain tissue and female brain tissue.
Because male physical strength and aggression defined what the social structure was going to be, it is only in recent times that women have been permitted to demonstrate that they were the intellectual equals of men. How could such an overwhelming force lasting millennia ever be eliminated such that there can be true equality? It can’t be because it is DNA-based.
So the force is being suppressed - and it is only the emergence of prosperity and the peace which follows it which enabled this suppression to occur. There is no guarantee that prosperity is permanent.
If the electricity supply to Australian cities and towns was permanently knocked out, there would immediately be no refrigeration and no communications - and soon after that, no transport. The new genesis would be administered by the alpha males. That will be the new equilibrium point giving the word “sexist” a whole new meaning to mull over for whatever feminists are left.
Loveless power games
When I was aged about 20, I had an intimidating female boss aged about 35. Another young intimidated male and I conspired to slip a live white mouse into her pocket. When she discovered what was in her pocket she became almost hysterical. To our glee we believed that she had demonstrated that when acting the big boss, women were not being their true selves.
Why did we play the prank on her when we would not think to play any pranks on an intimidating male boss? One reason was that we would admire that powerful male - even though we disliked him intensely. The other reason was that our male egos could not handle a smart woman who was making us look stupid and we needed to feel empowered by her “weaker sex” reaction to the mouse in her pocket.
Men are by nature both creative and destructive. Men intuitively know that without the calming nature of women there would be no civilisation. Even before girls were seen to be worth educating, women were viewed by men to be the basis of the love and softness in humanity. It comes naturally to a man to love those he protects and provides for. It is almost unnatural for the male ego to be able to unconditionally love a competitor - even if he is married to her.
In management the playing of power games is inevitable and in the workplace the emergence of the female boss is shaking the traditional male image of protector and provider of the basis of love and softness in humanity. Nature has designed the hormones dominant in females not to be the boss hormones, but to be the nurturing hormones.
Feminists should notice that life in this country offers limitless ways to enjoy it without being the boss of anyone.
There is a male distrust of the female seeking the modern female’s interpretation of personal fulfillment. The cost to young women in general is a reluctance by their boyfriends of many years to commit. This is starkly different to the rapid commitment courting grandpa made to courting grandma and his life-long commitment to her after their marriage.
Women now dress-up as soldiers and police officers in boots and with guns. It is claimed that sexual harassment is rife throughout the armed forces. That is due to the males not seeing the females in uniform as the keystone of civilisation - but as desirable sexual objects. So, even the penalty of a ruined career is still not sufficient to keep males in check when females are in the wrong environment. That reality should deliver a message to the “progressives” and their political correctness.
Is the harassment in the armed forces (which is not only more common but apparently more aggressive than in the commercial world) due to a subconscious resentment of the women being in a traditional male environment - a way to strike out at the invader?
Today’s agitating feminists, living in prosperity, need to define their gains in the sobering context of history and science. They are deluding themselves into believing that:
- the influence of hormones on male thinking can be permanently subdued - regardless of what the DNA instructions are; and that
- what has been gained so far in prosperous times does not need a continuing prosperity to sustain them.
In their delusion they see the increasing number of single mothers and the increasing number of female executives as a reflection of women’s liberation to pursue happiness without sexist impediments. But fulfilment does not automatically follow from being equals in power or equals in wealth.
Salvation resides in bonding hormones
There is one male-female relationship that works well. It is the mother-son relationship. There is no clash of male and female hormones here as bonding hormones make the permanent peace between the brain of the mother and the brain of the son.
Nothing is as enriching to a life than is the receiving and giving of unconditional love. It is the environment of bonding hormones where women in general are most likely to find fulfillment and the unconditional love every single one of them earnestly desires.
Feminists who are counting the number of women sitting around boardroom tables where there are no bonding hormones at work, are on the wrong track and should not be followed.