5.55 million Jews live in Israel and 7.75 million live outside Israel, meaning 58.7 per cent of world Jewry now resides outside the Jewish state.
The reconstitution of the Jewish National Home in the West Bank is as much a concern for a large number of those Jews living outside Israel as those who live within Israel - if not for themselves going to live there then for their children and future generations who might want to do so.
Ms Ashton is therefore to be commended on drawing attention to the need to base any resumed negotiations on international law.
Ms Ashton further stated:
“The EU will continue to support and work closely with the US via the Quartet [America, Russia, EU and the United Nations - author]. The Quartet needs reinvigoration. The current stalemate in the peace process demands it. The Quartet can provide the careful yet dynamic mediation that is required.”
The first steps in that invigoration should involve the Quartet gaining a full understanding of:
- the current legal status of the West Bank; and
- Jewish rights to claim sovereignty in the West Bank under international law.
Ms Ashton said she will be travelling to the region shortly adding:
“My main objective will be to meet the main actors and see first hand how the EU can be a force for change. I think we all share the overall and overriding priority of a resumption of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. Not negotiations for negotiations sake but negotiations to achieve a peace deal and turn the page. We cannot, and nor, I doubt can the region tolerate another round of fruitless negotiations. Negotiations have taken place on and off for several years starting with the Oslo Declaration of Principles signed in September 1993.”
Negotiations to achieve that peace deal can only realistically take place within the context of the European Union recognising Jewish rights to sovereignty in the West Bank and comprehending the current legal status of the West Bank.
Otherwise her visit to the region will end up in total failure like the hundreds - if not thousands - of earlier attempts at peace making by well intended but totally misinformed envoys.
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