While reform of the universities was been given centre stage in the recent debate on the quality of Australia’s education system, little attention has been given to the issue of the education levels for the population at large. Low levels of educational attainment for young people in particular undermine their chances of being
able to live a productive life. And compared with other comparable countries, Australia’s basic education levels are low.
What happens to early school leavers?
Many school leavers in Australia continue to face major difficulties in finding work. This is particularly so for those who have not completed Year 12 or equivalent qualification.
Recent data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics show that over a third (37 per cent) of the school leavers in 2000 who did not go onto further education were not in paid work in May 2001. In raw figures, this amounts to some 39,600 young people aged 15 to 24 years who six months after leaving school have not made a successful
transition from education to work.
The situation is worse for the ‘early’ school leavers who account for half of all school leavers not in further education. As many as 48 per cent of those who leave school before completing Year 12 and who do not go on to further education are not in paid work some six months after leaving school.
Need to set national targets
Australian governments need to define a new threshold education level for every young person to attain. Year 12 school retention rates are a totally inadequate indicator. Vocational qualifications equivalent to Year 12 completion are now important alternatives to Year 12 completion.
The target for increased levels of educational attainment for 19-year-olds was set by the State and federal governments in 1991 for the year 2001. And no new national targets have been set. Victoria, however, has taken the initiative and set a target of 90 per cent of young people to have completed Year 12 or the equivalent by the
year 2010. While Queensland and South Australia are thinking about it, no other States have yet followed suit.
Other options to Year 12
The difficult issue for setting new targets is defining the equivalent to Year 12. There are a myriad of occupational qualifications created in recent years that belie any attempt to define equivalence. One answer is to use independent locator tests of adult literacy and numeracy and related skills. These can assess whether young
people in pursuing alternative education routes are gaining the same level of basic education that Year 12 is assumed to provide.
The other issue in setting new education targets is to work out who will monitor them. In the past when left to education authorities, redefinitions were made which produced a better set of numbers than was really the case. It is important that responsibility for monitoring performance lies with an agency that is independent of the
authorities which fund or deliver education services.
Minimum standard of learning expected
We need to identify a minimum standard of learning expected of someone completing upper secondary school. The holder of the new qualification needs to be able to show to themselves and to employers that they have achieved learning outcomes that are equivalent to the successful completion of Year 12.
The best way to do this is set up an external reference standard. The Australian Council for Education Research (ACER), an independent agency, could devise a series of tests to measure the outcomes of a Higher School Certificate level education program.
In the USA, the widely used General Education Development (GED) Tests perform this role. The GED tests are based on up-to-date secondary school curriculum standards and standardised assessment practices. Persons who pass the tests gain a widely recognized high-school-equivalency credential. The standard is assessed against a
reference group of high school graduates who also undertake the tests. The pass rate is based on a result which is above the performance of at least one third of high school graduates in the US.
One in every seven people who earns a high school diploma each year in the USA does so by passing the GED Tests. More than 95 percent of employers in the US are said to consider GED graduates the same as traditional high school graduates in regard to hiring, salary, and opportunity for advancement. GED Tests are accepted by 90 per
cent of US colleges to evaluate entrance applications.
Need for direct measures
Direct measures of these skills are far better predictors of successful participation in society than previous indicators such as education credentials. Broad based literacy and numeracy tests are now available. The international Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey is a large-scale, comparative survey designed to identify and
measure a broader range of skills in the post compulsory school age population (ages 16-65) (see http://www.ets.org/all/survey.html ). These skills refer to problem solving, team work and information technology as well as literacy and numeracy. However, Australia is not participating in
the 2002 survey round.
The Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey is administered as a paper-and-pencil test, using standardised administration procedures in a household setting. The total length of the test is likely to take 60 minutes on average. In addition to the test, there is a background questionnaire that takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.
The skills directly measured are: Prose and Document Literacy, Numeracy, and Analytical Reasoning. In addition, there is a Background Questionnaire, which collects participant information and indirectly measures two other skill domains as well: Teamwork and ICT Literacy.
These questionnaires, adapted to the Australian context, could be made freely available to enable people to locate themselves on an internationally recognised five-point scale denoting proficiency in literacy and numeracy.
Alternatives to existing education structures needed
One reason for young people not completing high school is their rejection of the institution as a whole, not just the curriculum. There are two responses policy makers can make to this. One is to create alternative school structures at upper secondary level. In most OECD countries, unlike Australia, separate institutions for upper
secondary education are the norm. Public private partnerships with local employers to develop specialised learning centres could give further support to creating separate structures.
Another way is to set up new structures within existing schools such as career academies. Career academies in the US are organised as a school-within-a-school in which students stay with a group of teachers over three or four years in high school. Such arrangements are often referred to as "small learning communities." The
effect is a more personalised and supportive learning environment for students and teachers.
Learners’ Agency
However, it should also be possible for early school leavers to acquire the desired learning outcomes in other non-institutional ways. For some young people, a combination of learning on the job supported by some formal learning (perhaps in a user friendly community education centre) may be more effective. This learning needs to be
verified by giving the early school leaver the opportunity to have their acquired skills assessed by an independent agency.
Such an independent agency could also act as a broker to negotiate on behalf of the individual with education and training providers to gain entry to or appropriate credit for this learning. Such an agency needs to be funded independently of the Budget. Its funding needs to be generated through its own activities to give it the
autonomy required to play an advocacy role. One way to do this would be to charge for the assessment services it offers.
There is a fundamental inequality built into our education system. Large numbers of young people are leaving the school system ill prepared to survive in a modern economy and society. In 2000, while nearly two thirds of Year 12 leavers (64 per cent) went on to further education, only 37 per cent of those who did not complete Year 12
did so. As noted above, those who leave school early are much more likely to find it difficult to get work and keep it.
Ensuring that all young people attain a threshold qualification of Year 12 completion or an equivalent vocational qualification should be recognised as a fundament entitlement of citizenship. The progress of governments and the community in ensuring that this entitlement is achieved for each individual needs to be monitored
independently of those responsible for funding education. Direct measures of skills acquisition also need to be used to act as some form of reality check on how effective higher levels of education attainment are in serving young people’s needs.